
  1. 在实施退二进三发展战略过程中,不同地区承担角色的不同决定了不同地区的侧重点不同。

    In the process of implementing the strategy of " shifting from labor-intensive industry to service economy ", the fact that different areas carry different role decides different emphasis points .

  2. 后工业时代的来临,极大的促进了城市产业结构的变革,退二进三成为城市发展中不可逆转的潮流。

    The industrial structure has been changed greatly of the city , when the Post-industrial era gone . To back into the third as the second has becoming an irreversible trend in urban development .

  3. 伴随着传统工业的衰落和退二进三的产业结构调整,我国的工业废弃地逐渐成为城市发展和生态改善的硬伤。

    With the decline of traditional industries and the " retreat into three " of the industrial structure adjustment , industrial wastelands in our country have gradually become the fragile part of city development and ecological improvement .