
sòng bié
  • see sb. off;wish sb. bon voyage;give a send-off party;send-off
送别 [sòng bié]
  • [see sb. off;give a send-off party] 送远行的人启程,跟他告别

  • 送别同学

送别[sòng bié]
  1. 一大群人聚集在码头上,为他们送别。

    A large group had gathered on the quayside to see them off .

  2. 离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。(白居易《赋得古原草送别》)

    Luxuriant is the grass upon the plain , | that each year dies to flourish again .

  3. 那就让我们为你隆重送别吧。

    Let us give you the proper send-off .

  4. 是的这算是Pope的送别礼物

    Yeah , it 's a farewell gift from Pope .

  5. 正如所预想的,最后一集《深夜秀》是去年送别他的对手杰·雷诺(JayLeno)退休时,那种伤感而又铺张华丽表演的清新宜人的解药。

    As could be expected , it was a bracing antidote to the weepy extravaganza that ushered his rival Jay Leno into retirement last year .

  6. 他将对女演员们飞吻,活动结束后,他将和超模罗西·亨廷顿-怀特利(RosieHuntington-Whiteley)一起在舞台上上演百老汇戏剧式的送别场面。

    He 'll air-kiss actresses and , when it 's all done , take the stage for a Broadway-style send-off next to the supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley .

  7. 也许,具有男子气的男人毕竟不是什么21世纪的佐罗(Zorro),能及时的不期而至,送别女里女气的男人。

    Perhaps manly man has not , after all , dropped in like some 21st century Zorro , just in time to see off girly man .

  8. 虽然在记者会和演唱会结束送别的时候,都曾经和ASKA握过手,但也许ASKA并不知道作为扇子设计者的我在其中吧,呵呵!

    Although I had two lucky chances to make handshaking with ASKA , but I think ASKA maybe not know the fan 's designer was in the crowd which many fans to make handshaking with him .

  9. 将参加里约奥运的运动会,包括开幕式上的印度旗手阿比纳夫•宾德拉和摔跤王牌选手YogeshwarDutt,欢呼莫迪总理的送别,莫迪一个个地和运动员互动。

    NEW DELHI : Athletes bound for Rio Olympics , including India 's opening ceremony flag-bearer Abhinav Bindra and wrestling ace Yogeshwar Dutt , hailed the send-off given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi who interacted individually with each of them here on Monday .

  10. 我去机场送别小林。

    I went to the airport to see Xiao Lin off .

  11. 唐代送别诗的题式

    Format of Titles of the Seeing-off Poems in the Tang Dynasty

  12. 很多人出席送别会以向他表示敬意。

    Many people attended his farewell party to do him honour .

  13. 答应我你会微笑着送别。

    Promise me you 'll say goodbye with a smiie .

  14. 他们两个在长亭送别,依依不舍。

    They parted at the pavilion , hating to leave each other .

  15. 在为他送别的聚会上,我们用香槟酒为他干杯。

    We toasted him with champagne at his leaving party .

  16. 他在公共汽车站送别朋友。

    He saw his friend off at the bus station .

  17. 我可以带你到机场和你送别。

    I can take you to the airport and see you off .

  18. 贾岛送别诗的艺术特色研究

    A Study to the Artistic Characteristics the on Jia Daos Send-off Poems

  19. 我还可预言他们将会挥泪送别。

    I 'll even predict they 'll weep to see you go .

  20. 你打算在离开之前开个送别派对吗?

    Do you plan to have a going-away party before you disappear ?

  21. 我们凑钱为她买送别礼物。

    We 're having a collection for her leaving present .

  22. 我感到很伤心要跟你送别了。

    I feel very sad to see you go .

  23. 我们需要为他举办一个送别晚晏吗?

    Need we take a farewell party for him ?

  24. 我是为了表示感谢买件送别礼。

    Mine is a thank you , farewell gift .

  25. 一些朋友正在为他举行一个令他惊喜的晚会,为了给他送别。

    Some friends are having a surprise party for him to say goodbye .

  26. 参加里约奥运会的运动会欢呼莫迪总理的送别姿态

    Rio Olympic-bound athletes hail PM Modi 's send-off gesture

  27. 母亲正在送别儿子,儿子是特种部队的战士,将出征车臣。

    Mother sends his son , the special forces soldier , to Chechnya .

  28. 安总要站在窗口前并挥手送别。

    Ann always to stand at the window and waves to see off .

  29. 那我们应该送别她了!

    Then we should all have a farewell drink !

  30. 除此之外,还有送别诗等。

    In addition , there was Farewell Poems .