
táo yì xì tǒnɡ
  • escape system
  1. 目前,航天飞机逃逸系统认证,是10万英尺。

    Right now , the Space Shuttle escape system is certified to100,000 feet .

  2. 现在的有效载荷包括登月舵、服务舵、指挥舵和发射逃逸系统。

    The present payload consists of a lunar Excursion Module , a Service Module , a Command Module and a Launch Escape System .

  3. 长征二号F火箭逃逸系统整流罩装配技术

    Assembly Technology of the Fairing of CZ-2F Escaping System

  4. 提坦Ⅱ最危险的隐患、也是惟一需要自动逃逸系统的,在于第一阶段发动机的偏移。

    Titan Iris most dangerous potential failing , and the only one that demanded an automatic abort system , was first-stage engine hardcover .

  5. 为了解决居住在高层建筑中的人们遇险后安全疏散的问题,研究出一种新颖的无动力链梯逃逸系统。

    In order to safely evacuate people living in high building in emergency , a new escape system , unpowered circular chain ladder , is studied .

  6. 肿瘤细胞逃逸Fas系统介导的免疫杀伤的研究

    A Study on Tumor Cells Escaping from Fas-Mediated Apoptosis

  7. 载人航天工程地面逃逸安控系统可靠性技术

    Reliability Technology of the Ground Escape and Safety Control System in the Manned Space Project

  8. 分支菌酸是自然界中最大的脂肪酸,它和结核杆菌的毒力、结核杆菌逃逸免疫系统攻击的能力息息相关,这些证据均说明了脂肪代谢对结核杆菌的重要性。

    Mycolic acids are the largest fatty acids in nature , which are closely related to the virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the ability to escape immune system attacks .

  9. 在载人航天任务中,保障航天员的生命安全是地面逃逸安控系统的首要任务,该系统具有高可靠性、高安全性。

    In the manned space task , ensuring the safety of spacemen is the chief task of the ground escape and safety control system . The system are of high security and high reliability .

  10. 本文研究了由简谐噪声驱动的布朗粒子在分段势场中的逃逸,此系统可由一个高维的马尔科夫化的朗之万方程组来描述,进而可以得到相应的福克-普朗克方程。

    This system can be described by a high dimensional Langevin equations which is Markovian type , then we can get the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation .