
  1. 美国国家航空航天局计划让其未来需要逃离地球引力(尤其是去往月球和火星)的大多数飞行器携带立方体卫星。

    NASA plans for most of its future Earth-escaping payloads ( to the moon and Mars especially ) to carry CubeSats .

  2. 霍金:不逃离地球人类难以再活1000年

    Hawking : Humans Will Not Survive Another 1,000 Years ' Without Escaping ' Earth

  3. 如果你想在春节前体验一次逃离地球的冒险,《安德的游戏》无疑是上上之选。

    If you want an out-of-this-world experience before Spring Festival , Ender 's Game is an excellent choice .

  4. 即使是空间站也没能逃离地球引力的魔爪,它受到的引力大小约是在地面上的90%。

    The Space Station hasn 't escaped Earth'sgravity at all ; it 's experiencing about 90 percent the pull that we feel on thesurface .

  5. 由火箭推动器推动的能够逃离地球引力的导弹;能够观察太阳系,这种观察在陆地上是观察不到的。

    A rocket-propelled missile that can escape the earth 's atmosphere ; makes observations of the solar system that cannot be made by terrestrial observation .

  6. 在马斯克看来,这将使人类成为多星球物种,以此逃离在地球上不可避免的灭绝命运。

    In Mr Musk 's view , that could allow mankind to become a multi-planet species - thus cheating its inevitable extinction on Earth .