• strange;queer;rare;uncommon
  • surprise;wonder;astonish;extremely

  • odd
  • a fractional amount;odd lots
  • 特殊的,稀罕,不常见的:~闻。~迹。~志。~观。~妙。~巧。~耻大辱。

  • 出人意料的,令人不测的:~兵。~计。~袭。出~制胜。

  • 惊异,引以为奇:~怪。惊~。不足为~。

  • 数目不成双的,与“偶”相对:~数(不能被二整除的数,如一、三、五、七、九等,正的奇数亦称“单数”)。

  • 零数:~零(不满整数的数)。~羡(赢余,积存的财物)。有~(如“八分~~”即八分多一点)。


(单的; 不成对的) odd (number):

  • 奇数

    odd number


[书] (零数) a fractional amount (over that mentioned in a round number); odd lots:

  • 五十有奇

    fifty odd


(罕见的; 特殊的; 非常的) strange; queer; rare; uncommon; unusual:

  • 奇事

    a strange affair; an unusual phenomenon;

  • 一幅奇景

    a rare fine view


(出人意料的; 令人难测的) unexpected; unpredictable:

  • 出奇制胜

    win victory through unexpected moves


(惊异) surprise; wonder; astonish:

  • 大为惊奇

    be filled with amazement;

  • 这是不足为奇的。

    This is nothing to be surprised at.


(十分; 很; 极) extremely:

  • 奇冷

    extremely [exceedingly] cold;

  • 奇痛

    unbearably painful


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 奇晖

    Qi Hui

  1. 我觉得英格兰可谓奇、绝、美。在我看来,伦敦在这些方面更为明显。

    I find England strange and unique and beautiful . And for me , London is the magnification of all that .

  2. 从对现实状态的厌弃,进而追求心灵深渊的奇诡乐趣

    From to realistic condition detesting and rejecting , then pursue mind abyss strange pleasure .

  3. 她的帽子嵌着羽毛,帽檐很宽,真是件奇物。

    Her hat was an amazing affair with feathers and a huge brim .

  4. 莫迪里阿尼画中的妇女都长着奇长无比的脸。

    Modigliani 's women have strangely elongated faces .

  5. 窗外的景色平凡无奇。

    The view from the window was uninspiring .

  6. “奇弗斯!”——“什么事,老师?”

    ' Chivers ! ' — ' Yes , Miss ? '

  7. 想要进入赞比亚应该经由奇龙杜边防哨所。

    The point of entry into Zambia would be the Chirundu border post

  8. 我去酒店的咖啡厅喝了一杯要价奇高的咖啡。

    I went and had an overpriced cup of coffee in the hotel cafeteria

  9. 在克赖斯特彻奇遭遇惨败后,新西兰的投球手们还有还手之力吗?

    Can the New Zealand bowlers fight back after their thrashing at Christchurch ?

  10. 让我非常高兴的是,它的效果奇佳。

    To my great delight , it worked perfectly .

  11. “接着说啊,”奇说道,“我很想听。”

    ' Go on , ' Chee said . ' I 'm interested . '

  12. 这位前锋本赛季状态奇佳,进球已达到32个。

    The striker 's rich vein of form this season has seen him net 32 goals

  13. 这一系列关于经济的演讲平常无奇,都是一些陈词滥调。

    The series of speeches on the economy was uninspiring and a rehash of old subjects

  14. “我要是星期天能赢那就真是奇了怪了,”莱尔笑道。

    ' I 'll be astonished if I win on Sunday , ' laughed Lyle .

  15. 我参加了在克赖斯特彻奇举办的英联邦运动会,那是我的告别比赛。

    I competed in the Commonwealth Games in Christchurch , which was my swan song .

  16. 事情进展奇慢无比。

    Things are moving painfully slowly .

  17. 如今的时尚品位低下,平庸无奇。

    Fashion today is sloppy mediocrity .

  18. 飞行员认为克赖斯特彻奇距离太远,为求稳妥,就降落在了惠灵顿。

    The pilot decided that Christchurch was too far away , and played it safe and landed at Wellington .

  19. 这是中国历史上亘古未有的奇绩。

    This is a wonderful achievement without precedent in Chinese history .

  20. “我们大力地倡导身体自主,不强迫他拥抱或亲吻别人,除非他想要这么做,但我从来没有想到我在网上发布他的照片前应该先征得他的允许,”马萨诸塞州威克菲尔德一位两个孩子的母亲伯比奇说。

    " We 're big advocates of bodily autonomy and not forcing him to hug or kiss people unless he wants to , but it never occurred to me that I should ask his permission to post photos of him online , " says Burbidge , a mom of two in Wakefield , Massachusetts .

  21. 但是我们要警惕,不要对待另一方的缺点时坚决要求具备妤奇心,而对我们自身的缺点却固执地不加探索。

    But let 's be careful about demanding curiosity about the other side 's weaknesses and remaining determinedly incurious about our own .

  22. 如果某些物种开始从海洋中消失,达特基维奇认为:“它会改变能生存下来的鱼种类。"

    If certain kinds begin to disappear from the ocean , Dutkiewicz said , " it will change the type of fish that will be able to survive ."

  23. "我们还需要一段时间才能用数据证明这些变化是气候变化导致的,"达特基维奇说,"但海洋颜色的变化将是我们真正改变地球的预警信号之一。"

    " It 'll be a while before we can statistically show that the changes are happening because of climate change , " Dutkiewicz said , " but the change in the colour of the ocean will be one of the early warning signals that we really have changed our planet ."

  24. 缪奇邀请了一群人来看他的新发明。

    Meucci invited a group of people to see his new invention .

  25. 1850年,缪奇和他的妻子埃斯特搬到了纽约。

    In 1850 , Meucci and his wife.Ester . moved to New York .

  26. 梅奇很担心他的妻子,因为她病得很重。

    Meucci was worried about his wife , because she had become very ill .

  27. 《Mondo电影海报艺术典藏》将这一备受欢迎的艺术汇集成册,将工作室艺术家们难以置信的创造力展示出来,而这些千奇百态的风格遵守的是同一个原则,即对电影主体的无限热爱。

    The Art of Mondo brings together this highly sought-after art in one volume that showcases the incredible ingenuity of the studio 's diverse stable of artists whose vastly different styles are united by one guiding principle : limitless passion for their subject matter .

  28. 她歌喉甜美,音域奇广。

    She has a marvellous voice with an extraordinary range .

  29. 你好奇过情景喜剧是怎么制作那些罐头笑声吗?

    Are you ever curious about how canned laughter are created in comedies ?

  30. 我希望我可以得到的是一份有趣的工作,而不是一份平凡无奇的。

    I hope I can get an interesting job and not something mundane .