
  • 网络QIMONDA;Qimonda AG;QI-US
  1. 在半导体等其他领域,近期欧洲企业衰落的速度有所加快,例如芯片制造商奇梦达(qimonda)等欧洲企业就已停止营业。

    The trend has accelerated recently in other sectors , such as semiconductors , where European companies such as Qimonda have gone out of business .

  2. 世界主要芯片制造商之一的奇梦达公司新首席执行官知道中国是一个巨大的、有潜力的市场。

    The new CEO of Qimonda , one of the leading chips producers in this world , knows that China is a large potential market .

  3. 德国慕尼黑消息,慕尼黑地方法院已经开始操作内存公司奇梦达的破产流程手续。

    MUNICH , Germany & At the Munich district court , the insolvency proceedings for DRAM maker officially have begun .