
  • 网络thrust fault;reverse fault;MBT
  1. 东缘逆冲断层上盘的花岗岩向东推覆的距离为30-80km。

    The distance of the klippen movement eastwards of the granite on the upper wall of the eastern marginal thrust is 3080 km .

  2. 由三亚带组成,各地质体间均由规模不等的逆冲断层或韧性剪切带分割。

    The geological bodies are separated by the thrust or ductile shear zone of different scale .

  3. 辽宁西部TM图像逆冲断层解译及找煤研究

    The study on interpretation of overthrust and coal searching using TM image in the west of Liaoning Province

  4. 另一组为NW向走滑断层,形成时代较晚,破坏早期逆冲断层和NE向走滑断层。

    The formation time of NE strike slip faults is earlier than that of NW strike slip faults .

  5. 早燕山运动使渤海湾地区形成宽缓的大型NE向褶皱变形,并使早&中侏罗世盆地发生反转和逆冲断层变形;

    Some large-scale gentle folds trending in northeast direction developed during Early Yanshanian movement in Bohai Bay province and had resulted in deformation and inversion of Early-Middle Jurassic basin .

  6. 三叠纪为板内造山作用阶段,济阳坳陷曾为五条NW向的以逆冲断层为主的压性构造带占据,早&中侏罗世造山作用结束;

    The intraplate thrust orogenic phase ( from the Triassic to Middle Jurassic ): represented by the development of five NW striking compressive belts , which were mainly reverse faults .

  7. 西部变形弱、以近EW向宽缓褶皱变形为主,东部变形强、并叠加了NE向褶皱和逆冲断层变形。

    In the Western part the deformation was weak only EW-trending open folds occurred while in the Eastern part deformation was stronger but some NE folds and thrusts superposed on the EW folds .

  8. 而在GHM南部靠近主中央冲断裂(MCT)北侧发育具有挤压转换性质的韧性走滑-逆冲断层。

    Whereas near the north side of the Main Central Thrust ( MCT ) in the southern part of the GHM subterrane there occur ductile strike slip-thrust faults of transpressional nature .

  9. 这种沿走向变化的地层叠置和横穿MCT的变质等级表明,逆冲断层的断距向西减小,可能是由于地壳短缩总量沿着喜马拉雅造山带向西减小所致。

    This along-strike change in stratigraphic juxtaposition and metamorphic grade across the MCT indicates a westward decrease in its slip magnitude , possibly a result of a westward decrease in total crustal shortening along the Himalayan orogen .

  10. 首先,运用反射波地震勘探和电测深确定构造关系由原F13逆冲断层调整为F13正断层;

    Firstly , reflected wave seismic exploration and electrical depth sounding were used to found that the original F13 thrust fault was in fact F13 normal fault ;

  11. 从而阐明连锁逆冲断层体系在区域构造上的意义。

    And explain the regional tectonic significance of the lock-in fault system .

  12. 逆冲断层发育的力学机制研究

    A study on mechanical mechanism on development of thrust fault

  13. 燕山运动大致可分为三个序次:褶皱逆冲断层张性断层。

    Yanshan movement can be divided to three orders ; fold-thrust-gaping fault .

  14. 塔里木盆地逆冲断层下盘遮挡圈闭

    Screened traps developed on the footwall of overthrust in the Tarim Basin

  15. 准噶尔盆地南缘褶皱-逆冲断层带分析

    Analysis of the fold-thrust zone in the southern Junggar Basin , northwestern China

  16. 江苏宜兴东岭逆冲断层带的构造地球化学特征研究

    TECTO - geochemistry of the thrust zone at dongling , yixing , Jiangsu

  17. 内蒙地轴南缘盖层中逆冲断层的样式及形成机制

    On styles and mechanism of thrust on the south margin of Inner Mongolia axis

  18. 徐州宿州弧形双冲叠瓦扇逆冲断层系统

    On The Xuzhou-Suzhou Arcuate Duplex-Imbricate Fan Thrust System

  19. 地球潮汐能够触发浅源逆冲断层地震

    Earth tides can trigger shallow thrust fault earthquakes

  20. 川东-鄂西郁江逆冲断层轨迹结构及扩展过程

    Trace pattern and growth process of Yujiang thrust bordering East Sichuan and West Hubei

  21. 逆冲断层应力场的数值模拟

    A stress model of thrust faults

  22. 试论苏邦煤矿区逆冲断层之成因机制及其控煤作用

    Discussion on genetic mechanism of reverse thrust and its coal-controlling effect in Subang coal mining area

  23. 鄂尔多斯西缘褶皱&逆冲断层带的构造特征和找气前景

    Structural Features and Gas Prospect of the Fold-thrust Belt in the western Margin of Ordos Basin

  24. 淮南连锁逆冲断层体系变形分析

    Analysis on the deformation of the linked thrusting system in the Huainan region , anhui Province

  25. 剪切生热与花岗岩部分熔融&关于喜马拉雅地区逆冲断层与地壳热结构的分析

    Shear heating and partial melting of granite & thermal structure at overthrusted terrains in the Greater Himalaya

  26. 讨论了与准噶尔盆地南缘褶皱-逆冲断层带有关的4个问题。

    Four topics related to the fold-thrust zone in the southern Junggar basin are discussed in this paper .

  27. 主逆冲断层的下盘掩覆了酒泉盆地中、新生代前陆坳陷的一部分,发育了一受控于深部滑脱断层的断层传播褶皱。

    Under the main thrust fault is a part of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic foreland depression of Jiuquan Basin .

  28. 下构造层发育逆冲断层、褶皱、走滑构造和岩浆底辟构造;

    The thrust faults , folds , strike-slip faults and magmatic diapir structures were formed in the lower layer ;

  29. 推覆构造是地壳中广泛发育的一种构造型式。逆冲断层常成带地平行排列,形成逆冲带和叠瓦构造。

    Nappe tectonics and thrust faults are a type of structural form widely developed in the earth ' 's crust .

  30. 淮南煤田阜凤逆冲断层是一压性断层,使寒武系灰岩、砂泥岩推覆于二叠系煤系地层之上。

    Cambrain limestone and sandy mudstone were pushed onto the Permian coal measures by the Fufeng thrust in Huainan coalfield .