
  • 网络Inverse of periodic supervision
  1. 具体而言,就是通过采取逆周期监管措施和对全球(各国)系统重要性金融机构(GSIFIS)的额外监管措施,来降低系统性风险在时间维度的积累和空间维度的传播。

    Specifically , by adopting counter-cyclical regulatory measures and the additional regulatory measures for global ( national ) systemic important financial institutions ( GSIFIS ) to reduce the accumulation of systemic risk in the time dimension and the dissemination in spatial dimension .

  2. 次贷危机之后,动态调整的逆周期监管政策似乎可以成为缓解信贷顺周期的重要措施之一。

    After subprime crisis , dynamically counter-cyclical policy seems to be one of important measures to reduce credit proeyclicality .

  3. 结论表明逆周期资本监管的实施,会使我国商业银行的长期盈利能力受到相对较大的正面影响,而对短期盈利能力的影响相对较小,且影响主要来源于杠杆率的变动。

    Counter-cyclical capital regulation will make positive impact on long-term profitability of the commercial banks and on short-term profitability is relatively small .

  4. 第五部分运用面板回归模型实证分析了我国逆周期资本监管对商业银行盈利能力的影响,并在面板回归基础上得到敏感性分析结果。

    Part five of the use of a panel regression model empirical analysis of counter-cyclical capital regulation on the profitability of the commercial banks in the panel regression based on the results of the sensitivity analysis .

  5. 第六部分在前文分析的基础上,提出商业银行通过拓宽资本金补充渠道、调整资产结构及发展中间业务,来应对逆周期资本监管的策略。

    Part six on the basis of the previous text analysis proposed commercial banks by broadening the capital supplementary channels , adjust the asset structure and development of intermediary business , to deal with the strategy of counter-cyclical capital regulation .