
  • 网络reverse;Reverse fault
  1. 另一组走向NE或NNE,为逆断层。

    One was normal fault with NW strike ; the other was reverse fault with NE or NNE strike .

  2. 板内逆断层地震破裂的基本特征及分段标志研究

    Earthquake rupture characteristics of intraplate reverse fault and signs of fault segmentation

  3. 带地质逆断层约束数据域的Delaunay三角剖分算法研究

    Study of algorithm for Delaunay triangular irregular network of constrained data field with reverse fault

  4. 上世纪70年代初,在江苏江宁逆断层中发现了厘米(cm)级磨砾,这种磨粒通常在韧脆性断裂剪切带中都可能找到。

    In the early 1970s , the cm-scale grinding gravels were discovered in reverse faults in Jiangning , Jiangsu Province , In general , there grinding gravels can be found in ductile-brittle fault shearing zones .

  5. 珠江口盆地东部和台湾西部海域广泛分布的海相中生界发育3个方向的4种断层:NE向逆断层、NE向正断层、WNW&EW向正断层和NW向左行平移断层。

    Four types of faults trending in three directions have developed in marine Mesozoic of the eastern Pearl River Mouth basin and offshore western Taiwan , including NE ? trending reverse faults , NE ? trending normal faults , WNW-EW ?

  6. 中更新世(0.73Ma以来)断裂带又变成略带右行走滑的逆断层,走滑断距不足100m。

    Since the Middle Pleistocene ( 0.73 Ma - ), the zone turned to reverse faulting with a slight dextral strike-slip ( less than 100 m ) . Therefore , the Tancheng Lujiang fault zone is an important inversion tectonics situating in eastern Asia .

  7. 该构造中的低角度坡坪式逆断层BD4DF、BD4D1F形成于中寒武世-泥盆纪,自古近纪开始又发生活动。

    The low angular step shape thrusts BD4DF 、 BD4D1F were formed during middle Cambrian period to Devonian period and have been activated again since Palaeogene period .

  8. 推覆构造具有台阶状逆断层及其相关褶皱组合的几何学特征。

    The stepped thrusts and associated folds are characteristics of nappes .

  9. 中国东部油气区逆断层成因类型

    Genetic types of thrust faults in eastern China petroliferous regions

  10. 逆断层;台阶状面形的投影栅线法测量技术

    Thrust fruit ; 3-D step profilometry measurement by grating projection

  11. 这与现有文献中介绍正断层和逆断层发生前主应力的方向显然是不同的。

    This conclusion is different from that of existing literatures .

  12. 逆断层地裂缝在黄土中破裂扩展的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of reversed ground-fissure cracking and extending in loess

  13. 逆断层地震的τ0值较高;

    They are relatively high for thrust fault earthquakes ;

  14. 川东台阶状逆断层与韧-脆性变形的显微构造特征

    Stepped thrust faults and microstructural features of ductile-brittle transition deformation in eastern Sichuan

  15. 深部逆断层对地震响应的影响研究

    Research on the Earthquake Response Influenced by Deep Fault

  16. 工程场地内存在若干条印支&燕山期逆断层。

    These thrusts occurred in the Yinzhi-Yanshan epoch .

  17. 逆断层中天然气运移特征的物理模拟

    Physical experiment of gas migration along reverse fault

  18. 几百次单个地震的震源机制解显示出以逆断层和正断层机制为主。

    Focal mechanisms demonstrate that most are of thrust fault and next the normal .

  19. 高角度逆断层滑动需要断层深部有高压流体存在。

    High-angle reverse fault can hardly slip without presence of high-pressure fluid at depth .

  20. 试论生长逆断层带的活动及其油气勘探问题

    A preliminary approach on growth thrust fault belts and their oil and gas exploration

  21. 类型上,断裂主要有正断层、逆断层和雁行断层等形式。

    On type , the fractures appear normal fault , strike-slip fault and so on .

  22. 先张后压转化型逆断层;

    Fault of extension - compression conversion ;

  23. 在正断层作用下,在粉砂土与粘性土中所发生的变形并没有大的不同,而在逆断层载荷作用下,粉砂质土体比粘土质土体更容易变形位错。

    That means silt soil is easier to deform than clay soil in reverse faulting .

  24. 逆断层地震近场地震动影响场和地表形变模拟

    Dynamic simulation of effect field of strong ground motions and deformation of ground near reverse fault

  25. 流体推挤型逆断层。

    Fluid push thrust fault .

  26. 在传统的地台区发现这种逆断层不仅具有实际勘探意义,而且有一定理论和学术价值。

    The discovery of this overthrust fault in the platform area has both practical and academic significance .

  27. 跨逆断层埋地管线的断层错动反应分析

    Research on the Analysis Method of Fault Rupture Induced Response for Buried Pipelines Crossing the Reverse Fault

  28. 逆断层和聚敛型扭断层下盘圈闭条件分析及勘探意义

    Analysis of Footwall Trap Conditions of Reversed Fault and Convergent Torsion Fault and Its Significance of Exploration

  29. 逆断层及相关褶皱组合构成柴北缘油气藏的主要圈闭类型。

    Thrust faults and anticlines are related with faults form main types of traps of the area .

  30. 并通过静态与动态相验证,在研究区新划分出陵306井断层、陵613井断层两条过井小型逆断层。

    Been verified with production performance , the author newly identified well 306 fault and well 613 fault .