- transparency;transmission;diaphaneity;transmittance;pellucidity

(1) [diaphaneity;transparency]∶透光的性质或情况;特指矿物透光的能力
(2) [transmission]∶垂直透过以非漫射平行表面(如玻璃板或其他各向同性的均匀非漫射介质,或由许多这样的介质彼此接触而形成的介质系列)为界面的物质的单一波长辐射能的总份额,它等于从最后一个介质表面出射的能量与从第一介质表面入射的能量之比,其中已计及各表面的反射损耗以及介质内部的吸收损耗和辐射损耗所引起的上述两种辐射能的数量差别
With information no longer controlled by travel agents or hidden in business networks , the travel industry was revolutionized , as greater transparency helped slash prices .
Overall , the strike is an effort to provide more secondary compensation along with other concerns , such as transparency upon hiring talent and on-set safety precautions .
Suitable double firing wall tiles , with good glossiness .
Over 90 percent said the government demonstrated good transparency and adjustment of policies to suit actual conditions were effective , according to the survey conducted in the second half of last year .
WTO Principle of Transparency & China 's Maintenance of Secrecy Entailing Administration by Law
Transparence principle is one of the most important , elementary principles and goals in WTO .
The pureScale Application System is designed to provide application transparency and continuous availability , and grows with near-linear efficiency .
Studies on the Open-M-Shell Opacities of Mid-Z Plasmas Using Detailed Line Accounting Models
After China entering the WTO , the basic principles of the WTO requires perfect and fair market competing system .
African countries are starting to embrace this view through participation in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative .
If there is cause for disappointment it is that sound money and the price transparency afforded by a common currency have not fostered faster economic growth .
The ranges of CT densities and transparency of gas containing organs or aorta were adjusted using customized computer software to show the inner walls of these organses .
But our Foreign Investment Law has some disparities on the national treatment , admission of foreign investment and the open politics with the regulation of WTO .
Experience of OECD Strengthening the Budget Transparency
Semantic transparency is introduced in the field of lexical recognition to explain the phenomenon of semantic opaqueness .
Landsat TM image-based retrieval model of water clarity : a case study of Lake Poyang National Nature Reserve , China
The Influences of OPAL Opacities on Stellar Structure and Evolution Models
The calculation of opacity about dense argon plasma Hugoniot data and shock temperatures of the shock generated Ar plasma were measured in this work .
The International Monetary Fund has called for greater transparency from sovereign wealth funds and could do the same for FDI involving state-owned enterprises .
The average secchi degree of water body was 2.4m ;
While in Spring and Summer , the suspended particles were evidently negative-correlated to salinity and transparency , and positive-correlated to COD , nitrogen and phosphor in different types .
Thirdly , from the way of obtaining the control right , the family business listed directly through the IPO are more transparent than the family enterprises listed indirectly .
The solubility , swelling power , clarity , freeze-thaw stability , retrogradation and the stability of the viscosity that could be affected by DS were discussed .
The transparency regulation of WTO requires that the signal of the money rate should be regular and open as well as that freely exchanging RMB should result in currency homogenizing after China 's joining in WTO .
With transparency enabled , you now have a situation where there is a1:1 ratio of client-to-ADC and ADC-to-server connections , instead of an n : 1 ratio .
The ratio ( B / P ) of mean compensation depth ( B ) to mean transparency ( P ) in Giant tiger prawn pond , 1.42 ± 0.53 , was lower than that in fishpond ( 1.5 ~ 2.5 ) .
Alpha channel , a concept of graphics , refers to storing graphical files in the form of 8-digit binary digits which represent additional information of the transparence of each PIX .
Any SVG property that can be applied to an element such as fill color , stroke-width , size , and opacity can be changed in this fashion .
The lack of transparency , which the G20 leaders complain of so vehemently , also served as a convenient shield to keep politicians ' interference out of public view .
Combining the results of crude protein , hardness , tensile and transparency etc. , the puerility of imitative shark fins with pH 6.0 , 8 % ( w / w ) gelatin , 2 % sodium alginate was the best .