
tòu míng jiāo dài
  • scotch tape;Transparent tape;adhesive tape;sellotape;sticky tape;cellulose tape
  1. n.透明胶带她想要一些透明胶带,但他没有。

    scotch tape She wants some scotch tapes , but he has not got any .

  2. 你怎么会知道她会买透明胶带?

    How did you know she would buy Scotch tape ?

  3. 我们看见正门上有一张用透明胶带贴的字条。

    We found a note sellotaped to the front door .

  4. 我用透明胶带把便条贴在他的门上。

    I sellotaped the note to his door .

  5. 这个旋钮只是用透明胶带固定住的。

    This knob is only held on by sellotape .

  6. 方法采用透明胶带粘贴法自受检者面部获取毛囊蠕形螨,按批随机编号,随机分为醇提物、水提物及对照组,分别于4、8和12h观察虫体死亡情况。

    Methods The mites were collected with adhesive cellophane tape and were randomly divided into alcoholic extract groups , water extract groups and control groups . The mites were observed in ( 4 h ),( 8 h ) and ( 12 h ) respectively .

  7. 影响透明胶带法查螨效果的几种因素

    Some Factors Influenced by Effect of Examining Vermiform Mites with Cellophanes

  8. 透明胶带粘取皮屑直接镜检真菌100例观察

    Observation of 100 Case Fungus Sticked on Transparent Adhesive Tapes by Directly Microscopy-examined

  9. 用透明胶带粘在纸条上的是一枚五十便士的硬币。

    Taped to the note was a fifty-pence piece .

  10. 她想要一些透明胶带,但他没有。

    She wants some scotch tapes , but he has not got any .

  11. 用透明胶带修补破损的地图.GB/T13009-1991热带阔叶树材普通胶合板

    Mend a torn map with Sellotape General use plywood of tropical broadleaved species

  12. 只需把一条透明胶带粘到物体表面再撕掉。

    Simply stick a piece of tape onto the surface and pull it off .

  13. 所有的垃圾都打成包,堆放在有金属轮式的笼子中,并用透明胶带挷住。

    Instead , bags of waste are piled into metal wheeled cages lined with clear plastic .

  14. 透明胶带检出蠕形螨的效果与治疗实验观察

    Observation on the Examined effect of Demodex Mites by Transparent Adhesive Paper and the Treatment Experiment

  15. 我到家的时候发现前门上有一张用透明胶带贴着的神秘信息。

    When I got home , I found a mysterious message sellotaped to the front door .

  16. 透明胶带和果冻这种名称是由最早生产这种产品的公司造出来的。

    Scotch tape and jelly were names made up by the companies that first made the products .

  17. 我刚才读的地方,人们使用这些白色透明胶带坚持直手。

    I just read from somewhere that people uses those white cellophane tape n stick straight on the hand .

  18. 不要使用透明胶带,口香糖或聚乙烯醇等其他胶,没什么效果的。

    Don 't use sellotape , chewing gum or other glue such as PVA as it won 't hold .

  19. 在刀不背上垫一层或两层透明胶带,以缓冲模切爆发的波动。

    The sword back cushion one or two layers of transparent adhesive tape to buffer the die cutting production .

  20. “人造海蜇丝”尝起来、闻起来都没有味道,不易扯断,质地类似透明胶带。

    Artificial jellyfish is tasteless with no smell and is tough to tear and has a texture similar to sellotape .

  21. 用自来水冲刷薄膜和透明胶带粘揭薄膜实验表明,薄膜具有很好的牢固性。

    The results indicate that the film is properly adherent proved by tap water erosion test and the scotch tape test .

  22. 采用自主设计的透明胶带法测量金属与织物纤维的结合力。

    The " Scotch tape test " was designed to measure the adhesion strength of the metal coating to the PET fabric .

  23. 常规观察叶片气孔的方法主要有水装片法、印迹法、透明胶带法和指甲油法等。

    The ordinary methods to observe the stomas as water slice , blotting , transparent tape , nail polish and so on .

  24. 透明胶带一般用于包装礼物,但也可以独出心裁,兼做除尘工具。

    While sellotape is more commonly used to wrap up presents , it also doubles up as an inventive way to dust .

  25. 透析后内瘘止血方法为弹力绷带压迫法和透明胶带结合指压法。

    Spring tape around the arm or applying pressure and adhesive tape on the puncture site were used to stop bleeding after dialysis .

  26. 用透明胶带法观察蠕形螨在人体面部的寄生、逸出及其在体外的存活能力。

    The parasitism and excursion of vermiform mites on human faces and their survival in vitro were observed by using the cellophane method .

  27. 记者这时发现,刚才还在用的赌博电玩的投币口已经塞入了螺丝钉,并用透明胶带粘住。

    Reporters then discovered , just still use the coin slot gambling gaming has been inserted into the screw , and stick with transparent tape .

  28. 他戴着一副用许多透明胶带粘在一起的圆框眼镜,因为达力总用拳头揍他的鼻子。

    He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Scotch tape because of all the times Dudley had punched him on the nose .

  29. 本文应用透明胶带法,首次对877名农村中小学生进行面部蠕形螨感染调查。

    Demodex infection was investigated by means of adhesive cellophane tape impression in 877 students of both primary and junior high schools at Yanfeng Township .

  30. 用透明胶带法检查螨不仅是一个简便的诊断方法,同时也可使寄生浅部的虫体被粘在胶带上,起到了驱虫作用。

    The scotch tape technique is better for diagnosis of demodicidosis it also can make the mites to be adhered to the tape as a miticide .