- 网络Sanidine

The results show that the TL signals of pumice and sanidine phenocryst have better thermal-stability , so they can be used for TL dating .
K feldspars from other rock types are likely sanidine , orthoclase or microclines that show greater variations in chemical compositions and are characterized by lower content of K-2O but higher contents of Na-2O , CaO and BaO .
K-feldspar is higher in Or content , and assigned to K - sanidine showing Or > > Ab > > An .
In sanidine , after heating at 1050 ℃ for 1300 hrs , the relative intensities of T_1 and T_ 2 lines changed .
Crystals of albite and sanidine were heated under hydrothermal conditions at 1 kbar between 500 and 900 ℃ and under dry conditions at 1050 ℃, respectively .
The heavy liquid separation with temperature changing has been applied to separate minerals of muscovite , biotite , sanidine and quartz to obtain several fractions with respect to specific gravity difference . All of them were dated by conventional Rb-Sr isochron method .
Study on low thermal expansion petalite-phosphate composite ceramic
Petalite low thermal expansion ceramic was prepared by using petalite , Kaolin , Hualin and quartz as raw materials .
The dentrites of Di-An-Ab system crystalized at different cooling-rates were studied . NUCLEATION AND CRYSTAL GROWTH OF SYNTHETIC DIOPSIDE-JADEITE JEWELRY
Determination of 14 Compositions in Sodium and Potassium Feldspar by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry with Fusion Sample Preparation Dentrite Study of Diopside-Albite-Anorthite System ( Di-An-Ab ) with Large Cooling-rate
Dentrite Study of Diopside-Albite-Anorthite System ( Di-An-Ab ) with Large Cooling-rate