
  • 网络perspective;Perspective Science
  1. 无可置疑,今天的透视学比起历史上任何时代都更具有科学的准确性。

    Undoubtedly , today 's Perspective is more scientifically accurate than any era in history .

  2. 应用反配极对应原理解决透视学中的基本度量问题

    Solution of Basic Measure in the Perspective with the Principle of Anti-polarity

  3. 第四:山水画构成与西方透视学的关系。

    Fourth : landscape painting composition and western perspective relationship .

  4. 透视学是视觉艺术领域中的技法理论学科。

    Perspective is a technique theory subject in visual sense art domain .

  5. 浅谈设计用透视学的特点及教学方法

    Discussion about Perspective and its Methods of Teaching

  6. 浅谈透视学课程教学

    The Analysis of Perspective Course Teaching

  7. 无论从透视学或质感来说是无与匹敌的简直是活了。

    No matter what from clairvoyance and character feel aspect say is incomparable and its simple alive .

  8. 解剖学和透视学的出现奠定了今天艺术形式的基本模式和图样。

    Learn anatomy and perspective inventions and discoveries laid the basic pattern of this art form and pattern .

  9. 许多学者将三远法与西方的透视学相对应起来,未免过于简单。

    The simple approach of many scholars is that correspond to the Western perspective of learning and the theory .

  10. 正在通行透视学与绘画学习只是有些关系,不能完全照搬。

    Perspective is prevailing and the painting study only has something to learn , it can not be completely copied .

  11. 计算机视觉汽车四轮定位检测中向量检测法与透视学检测法的原理及算法探讨。

    The principles and algorithm of vector test and perspective test in the four-wheel positioning detection by using computer vision technology . 3 .

  12. 透视学是数千年来中外画家在实践中总结出来的一门绘画技法。

    Perspective is a subject of drawing technique established by artists all over the word in history with practice from thousands of years ago .

  13. 所以在20世纪初叶,中国人在运用了西方绘画的透视学技巧的过程中,获得了更为丰富逼真的视觉表达方式。

    So the early in the twentieth century , the Chinese obtain rich and lifelike vision expression way in using perspective of western painting procession .

  14. 康熙时钦天监正焦秉贞,现存多幅以严密透视学绘制的作品,与其弟子冷枚的作品和乾隆时期宫廷画家的作品比比较,亦可作为西洋透视法在中国绘画中的影响逐渐减弱的佐证。

    And compared with disciples of cold pieces of works and Emperor Qianlong period of court painter works , visible Western perspective in Chinese painting influence is waning .

  15. 随着西方绘画、科学的解剖学和透视学的传入,形成了强大的冲击波,影响了中国画坛,也丰富了中国画的绘画语言。

    With the introduction of Western painting , scientific study of anatomy and perspective , Chinese is deeply influenced by them , and the language of painting has also been enriched .

  16. 然后运用透视学中饱和度、色调对比度与深度的关系,用色彩传递算法对红外图像做彩色化处理,得到一幅视觉上具有立体感的彩色红外图像。

    Then according the relationship between saturation , hue , and the depth in perspective , we transfer colors to the infrared image and obtain a color infrared image with three-dimensional visual perception .

  17. 根据透视学的基本原理,充分利用视线交点法(工程师法)和量点法的优点,设计了一种全新的透视画法。

    Based on the basic principle of perspective drawing , a new method for prospective drawing has been developed in this paper with full use of the advantages from method of sight line intersection ( engineer method ) and measuring point method .

  18. 透视情报学的技术维度研究

    Perspective of Researches on Technical Dimension of Information Science

  19. 本文从入学到考试,分五个方面阐述了教学模式构建的策略,并进一步从怎么学透视了学什么的问题。

    This thesis expounds the strategy of establishing the teaching mode in five aspects , while further trying to see through " What to learn " based on " How to learn " .

  20. 透视美国中小学课堂的自由与开放

    The Perspective of Freedom and Openness of Classes in American Primary and High Schools

  21. 因为文化与学校健康教育有着密切的亲缘关系,本文试图从文化的视角来透视美国中小学健康教育课程。

    This thesis tries to penetrate the school health education curriculum of America from angle of culture , because the intimate relationships between them .

  22. X射线透视法在炼铁学研究中的应用

    Use of X-ray fluoroscopy in study of ironmaking process

  23. 给出了把鱼眼图像变换成透视投影图像时光学中心转移的算法,从而实现了用小视角的透视投影图像在大视角的鱼眼图像中的漫游。

    An algorithm is presented for transferring the optic center when a fisheye image is transformed into perspective projection images , consequently a navigation of a perspective projection image with small angle of view can be realized within a fisheye image with large angle of view .

  24. 在对透视图像进行三维重构的过程中,从透视学的角度出发按照透视元素、基本体素、组合体素来逐步进行反求研究。

    In the progress of reconstruction , from the perspective view , the perspective element , basic unit , and combined unit are researched .

  25. 本文从透视理论自身的科学价值及其应用性论证了透视学课程教学是基础教学。

    This article stress that perspective course teaching from valuation of itself , painting architecture , design , is basic teaching .