
  • 网络EL Nino;Christ child;El Niño;Christkind
  1. 另在圣婴与反圣婴年时也并未看到此海域群聚有明显的改变。

    El Nino and La Nina in past few years did not affect the reef fish assemblages in this area either .

  2. 法国的少年儿童把鞋放在门口,让“圣婴来时把礼物放在鞋里面。”

    French children 's shoes on the door , let " el nino , the gift to put shoes inside . "

  3. 这幅画叫做《朝拜耶稣圣婴》。

    The painting is called ‘ Adoration of the Infant Christ ’ .

  4. 厄尔尼诺现象,在西班牙语中意为"圣婴",发生在南太平洋表层海水变得异常温暖的时候。

    El Nino , Spanish for " the child " , occurs when surface ocean waters in the southern Pacific become abnormally warm .

  5. “厄尔尼诺”得名于19世纪,当时拉丁美洲一名捕捞凤尾鱼的渔民最早注意到了这种天气异常现象,并将之命名为“圣婴(ElNino)”。

    It was named after the Christ child by Latin American anchovy fishermen in the 19th century who first took note of the weather anomaly .

  6. 1977年,伦敦的两位艺术品商人买下了13世纪画作《圣母与圣婴》(MadonnaandChild)。他们认为,这幅画是文艺复兴早期的绘画大师杜乔·迪·博尼塞尼亚(DucciodiBuoninsegna)创作的。

    In 1977 , two London art dealers bought a 13th-century " Madonna and Child " that they believed had been painted by an early-Renaissance master , Duccio di Buoninsegna .

  7. 其中宗教内容在他的创作中占据了非常重要的地位,钢琴作品《对圣婴&耶稣的二十凝视》便是他早期最为重要的宗教性作品之一。

    In his creation , the religious works hold a important status .

  8. 报告呼吁提出对策应付圣婴现象

    Report urges strategy to prepare for El Ninos

  9. 圣光环绕圣母圣婴!

    Round yon virgin mother and child !

  10. 与圣婴现象有关的降雨改变,也有类似灾难性的后果。

    Rainfall shifts associated with El ni ? O cycles have had similarly catastrophic consequences .

  11. 我知一圣名,最美丽圣名,赐给一可爱圣婴;

    I know of a Name , A beautiful Name , That unto a Babe was given ;

  12. 众牲畜,鸣鸣叫,圣婴忽惊醒,小小的主耶稣,却无啼哭声。

    The cattle are lowing , the Baby awakes , But little Lord Jesus , no crying , He makes ;

  13. 后者是在西班牙语里意为“圣婴”的厄尔尼诺现象,多头们希望这个小男孩在帮倒忙方面能够高抬贵手。

    They hope the latter , the weather pattern called El Nino , 'the boy , 'will go easy on them .

  14. 在西班牙语中意为“圣婴”的“厄尔尼诺”现象则对亚太地区的气候造成了严重影响。

    El Nino -- which means ' little boy ' in Spanish -- wreaks havoc in weather patterns across the Asia-Pacific regions .

  15. 姐妹俩正在瞧一本宗教画册时,恰好瞧到一幅圣母玛利亚和圣婴耶稣的图画。

    Two sisters were looking at a book of religious pictures and came across a painting of the Virgin and the baby Jesus .

  16. 那三位麦琪,读者都知道,全是有智慧的人非常有智慧的人他们带来的礼物,送给生在马槽里的圣婴耶稣。

    The magi , as yo know , were wise men wonderfully wise men who brought gofts to the Babe in the manger .

  17. 圣婴被赛季需要重新爆发,他受过一点小伤,同样的伤情也在世界杯期间发生了。

    Fernando 's season needs to kickstart , he 's been hampered a bit by injuries and what happened at the World Cup .

  18. 反圣婴型态及常态时期,若高水色剧增,将导致牡蛎产量显著降低。

    In La Ni ñ a and Normal pattern , if the extremely high ocean color occurs significant induce the oyster production to decrease .

  19. 这并不是一个令人十足糟糕的折磨,只是强迫圣婴过早地在对阵布莱克浦的赛场上下来实在是太让他沮丧了,庆幸地是并不十分严重!

    It wasn 't a really bad tear-just enough to frustratingly force him off the field early against Blackpool but it 's not too serious .

  20. 信徒们赞美圣婴,借以命名厄尔尼诺这种全球气候波动现象,其意为“和平王子”。

    BELIEVERS extol the infant Christ , after whom the global climate oscillation El Ni ñ o is named , as the Prince of Peace .

  21. 邪恶君主要杀死圣婴耶稣,因为他担心圣婴会构成威胁。

    All that stuff about the evil king wanting to kill the baby Jesus because he 's afraid that it 'll be a threat to him .

  22. 同时浪漫主义诗人倾向于将儿童与死亡联系在一起:一个孩子通过死亡而变成一个全新的孩子&一个永恒的圣婴。十九世纪地英语文坛上出现了很多重要的儿童形象。

    Meantime romantic poets tend to have their children closely related to death : a child dies to re-become a new child & an eternal saint child .

  23. 对某些人来说,他仍然象征着马槽里圣婴的诞生,并让我们想起庆祝圣诞节的缘由。

    And for some , he still points to the Nativity of the babe in the manger , and reminds us of the reason we celebrate Christmas .

  24. 有于此,他将注意力转向圣婴现象,这是东太平洋热带海水的一种暖化现象,足以影响全球天气。

    In that regard , he has turned his attention to El ni ? O , a warming of eastern tropical Pacific waters that affects global weather .

  25. 据习俗所定,一位老年妇女不会与睿智的人一道看望圣婴。

    Baboushka is a Russian gift-bringer , an old woman who , according to custom , would not go with the Wise Men to visit the baby Jesus .

  26. 其中一幅是著名画作《岩间圣母》的又一版本,画中的人物有圣婴耶稣和圣婴施洗约翰。

    One is an alternative version of Da Vinci 's famous painting known as Virgin of the Rocks , with the infant Jesus and the infant John the Baptist .

  27. 圣婴耶稣在如此卑微的物质环境下降生,打破了世人偏执的想法,启示人们「物质的财富并不能决定灵性的高低」。

    That a divine child should be born in such humble material surroundings event , inspiring people everywhere to consider the idea that material wealth does not determine spiritual worth .

  28. 不久,人们开始感觉到,由派兹尼克带来的爱心与善良应当作为人们向“圣诞树”表达敬意的节日庆典的组成部分,因为德国人将圣诞树称为“耶稣圣婴”。

    Soon , people began to feel that the love and kindness Pelznickel brought should be part of a celebration honoring the Christkind , as the Germans called the Christ child .

  29. 这两个小家伙手挽着手,吻着玫瑰花,望着上帝的光耀的太阳,对它讲话,好像圣婴耶稣就在那儿似的。

    And the children held each other by the hand , kissed the roses , looked up at the clear sunshine , and spoke as though they really saw angels there .

  30. 耶稣圣婴正在马槽邀请我们更新作为他的亲密好友和门徒的关系,请准备自己再次接受派遣成为福传的工具。

    The Child Jesus lying in the manger invites us to renew this closeness with him of a friend and disciple , so as to send us out again as his evangelisers .