
  1. 他们出售自己动手做镶嵌画所需材料和现成的镶板。

    They sell materials for DIY mosaics and ready-made panels .

  2. 我试图瓦解她对我们的计画所持的反对意见。

    I tried to break down her opposition to our plan .

  3. 线条凸版:用线条画所制成的凸版。

    Line block : A relief plate produced from a line drawing .

  4. 散点透视下中国山水画所蕴含的审美意识

    Cavalier Perspective of Chinese Landscape Painting under the Aesthetic of the Implied Sense

  5. 我们给予该计画所需的支援。

    We gave the plan the shove it needed .

  6. 他一张著名的画所表现的悖论就是如此。

    Thus the paradox of one his best-know paintings .

  7. 材料是宣纸,渲染中国画所用的矿物颜料。

    The materials are rice paper and mineral palette used to romance traditional Chinese painting .

  8. 我觉得他的画所吸引我的是他用的色彩。

    I think what appeals to me about his painting is the colours he uses .

  9. 他带她来到楼下的一个房间,那里四壁都为书籍和画所遮盖。

    He took her down to a room where the walls were covered with books and pictures .

  10. 而中国画所用的工具材料也成就了中国画写意语式的完美表达。

    And for Chinese painting the implements and materials also contributed to the image 's perfect representation .

  11. 我想透过人物或风景画所表达的,不是伤感的忧伤,而是真挚的悲伤。

    In figure or landscape I should wish to express , not sentimental melancholy , but serious sorrow .

  12. 以神写形、以意造境的语言表达形式是中国画所追求的。

    Write to god in shape , the prospect of linguistic expression meaning made form is Chinese paintings pursues .

  13. 试图从形式美和哲学多面的角度去体悟花鸟画所蕴含的深刻意蕴。

    Try to deep implications from the formal beauty and philosophy multi-faceted perspective to understanding the flower and bird painting contains .

  14. 正如上面所示的画所描绘的,一位晚期癌症病人病入膏肓,请求医生们实施安乐死。

    As the picture given above depicts , a late-stage cancer patient is terminally-ill , asking the doctors for mercy killing .

  15. 开放式课程计画所提供的课程教材真的是太好用了,特别是对那些缺少正式背景的人。

    The course material provided in the OCW is extremely useful especially for the people who do not have formal background .

  16. 大唐的风韵&唐朝仕女画所表现的唐朝社会

    Graceful Bearing of the Flourishing Tang Dynasty & Society of the Tang Dynasty Shown by Painting of Maids of Honour at That Time

  17. 鉴于此种现象,本文重申并强调了文人画所蕴涵的人文精神及民族文化意义。

    In view of this kind of phenomenon , this paper reiterated the literati-paintings and emphasized the humanistic spirit and national cultural significance .

  18. 其中又以卷16《田令.农桑》劝农立社事理条画所载更为详实,给元代后期乃至后世的农业发展和农业管理带来了深远的影响。

    Volume 6 " Tianling : Nongsang " was the most developed one and had profound influence on the latter agricultural development and management .

  19. 而宋代院体山水画所具有的广阔,空灵,透亮清新的空间感觉给了我们很好的启发。

    However , the inspiration is acquired by the broad space , Vacancy , translucent fresh space that is available in the Song academy landscapes .

  20. 画家被自己的画所吸引,他非常兴奋,一边欣赏一边不经意地向后退。

    The painter was consumed by his own painting , and so excited with it that he unconsciously took a few steps backward while admiring it .

  21. 感谢智宣对此企画所做的努力。愿此功德使大家早日成佛并且带给他的家人极多安乐!

    Thanks to Zhi Xuan for his endeavors in this project . May the merits generated bring sooner enlightenment to all and much happiness in his family !

  22. 在周春芽绘画作品中,中国文人画所独有的韵味,通过其西化了的表现主义的语言风格,成熟地表现于其作品之中。

    In Zhou Chunya paintings , Chinese literati paintings unique lasting appeal , through its westernized " expressionism " language style , the mature performance in his work .

  23. 居士艺术家不仅画所见,而且画所想,画所知,力图表达“画外意”。

    The Buddhist artists not only painted what they saw , but also painted what they thought about and what they knew , tried best to express the'idea beyond of painting ' .

  24. 造成这种现象的原因很复杂,本人认为中国山水画所蕴含的精神性因素及其画家主体的人格活动是其中最重要的原因之一。

    The reasons for this phenomenon are very complicated . In my own opinion , the spiritual factor contained in the Chinese landscape paintings and the painter-centered personality activities constitute one of the most important reasons .

  25. 本文从绘画艺术的角度出发,分析中国画所反映的艺术精神,通过对传统建筑中群体院落单体建筑建筑中的绘画艺术点染的具体分析,指出中国传统建筑蕴含着一种如画和谐之美。

    This essay discusses the traditional architecture actually in yards of building groups , building , and art romancing in buildings , and points out that the traditional architectures of china have a kind of harmonious art aestheticism .

  26. 这段历史已经过去,但杨柳青年画所带给新疆的艺术活力与启发已经渗透了新疆民间艺术代代相传的灵魂与血脉之中。

    This period of history is over , but in Xinjiang New Year pictures in China Yangliuqing brought vitality and inspiration of art has infiltrated the Xinjiang folk art from generation to generation with the blood of the soul .

  27. 对现代装饰画所体现的视觉语言的深刻理解,在追求艺术美的同时研究装饰画材料与现代科技结合的创作手法,是科技与美学结合的产物。

    Deep understanding of visual language embodied in the modern decorative painting to study decorative painting materials and modern technology combined with creative practices in the pursuit of artistic beauty is the product of the combination of technology and aesthetics .

  28. 接着对禅宗影响下水墨山水画所透露出的笔墨禅趣进行了深入的讨论,从而较全面的反映了禅宗与山水绘画艺术相互交融、相互渗透的内在联系。

    After that was disclosing to the zen influence launching ink landscape painting the words imperial sacrifices interest carries on the thorough discussion , thus the quite comprehensive reflection zen and landscape painting art mutually blended the inner link which , mutually seeped .

  29. 现在的色彩观已经更为的开放,但依旧要保留中国画所体现出来的传统哲学精神和玄的心里状态重视感悟感通,坚持中国文化凝神于形再寓意于象的意象性。

    Now colour view has more open , but still want to keep Chinese traditional philosophy reflect the spirit and dangerous heart condition in theology , adhere to comprehend seriously staring in the shape of Chinese culture as " togegher again YiXiangXing " .

  30. 首先感谢所有志愿者对于促进开放式课程计画运动所做的贡献。

    We thank all volunteers in advance for their contribution to the growing OpenCourseWare Movement .