
  1. 许多画界学子纷纷负笈留洋,向西方学习。

    Many Chinese painters went abroad to learn Western painting skills .

  2. 20世纪的中国画界,继承与创新、传统与现代之间演绎了一场唇枪舌战。

    There was a hot debate on inheritance and innovation , tradition and modernity in Chinese painting in the20th century .

  3. 有感于此,漳州画界承前启后,继住开来的局面令人欢欣鼓舞。

    Considering this , the role played by Zhangzhou painting in inheriting the past and ushering in the future inspires all of us .

  4. 他作品中洋溢着的民族革命情感以及墨西哥民族的审美特质一直饱受画界的肯定。

    He works full of the revolutionary sentiment and the aesthetic characteristics of the Mexican nation has been suffering from painting in the affirmative .

  5. 把这种立体艺术移栽在纸上,使之变为平面艺术的,在画界也不乏其人。

    The effort of transplanting stereoscopic art on paper to produce works of plane art is not an isolated phenomenon in the art community .

  6. 在水彩画界做出了有意义的尝试与探索,使水彩画呈现出独特的风貌。

    Marked off in the water color has made the meaningful attempt and the exploration , caused the watercolor painting to present the unique style .

  7. 像这样的画像是所有英国的年轻人都望尘莫及的,如果画界老一辈还能有什么感觉,他们也会相当嫉妒。

    A portrait like this would set you far above all the young men in England , and make the old men quite jealous , if old men are ever capable of any emotion .

  8. 由此观之,水彩画界不应是封闭的而应是开放的行会,其资源来自社会各方,其成果应得到社会共享。

    From this point of view , watercolor sector should not be closed guilds , but should be open society , its resources from all sectors of the community , the results should be shared society .

  9. 尽管他为人喜爱,但在1976年去世后,就有传言称英国画界把他抛在脑后,称他的作品的工人阶级味道过了头。

    Popular he may be , but since his death in 1976 , there have been accusations that the British art establishment has turned its back on him , finding his subject matter too working class .

  10. 笔者从事美术学习以来潜心学习和观摩过大大小小的很多画展,在研究生学习期间结合自身经历,越发认识到整个画界就是一个不断发展、不断创新的艺术世界。

    Has been engaged in studying his art with great concentration to learn and to observe too many large and small exhibition in light of their experience during the postgraduate studies , increasingly recognized that the arts community is a continuous development of innovative art world .

  11. 九十年代后期,在中国水彩画界里,一批中青年画家基本上摆脱了传统水彩画的模式,体现了现代人的审美观念和情趣追求,逐步形成了具有现代感的现代形态。

    Since the late 1990s , a group of chinese middle-aged and young artists in watercolour sector , had been jumped out of the traditional watercolor painting pattern which reflect the modern aesthetic concepts and the pursuit of fun , that gradually formed a modern form of contemporaries .

  12. 看到有这么多中国的水墨画和书法界的名家志士相聚在新德里我感到尤其高兴。

    And it is especially pleasant to see so many renowned Chinese painting and calligraphy masters gathered here in New Delhi .

  13. 文人画是学术界一个相当热闹的话题,研究成果丰硕,但是对于与其相关的士人画研究却相对欠缺。

    The literator painting is a quite lively academic topic which has been fruitfully studied , but for the related study of scholar painting is correspondingly deficient .

  14. 近些年,傅抱石的人物画被学术界深受推崇,甚至被称为不亚于其中水画的艺术价值。

    In recent years , the figure painting of Fu are praised highly by the academic which is even claimed to be as good as his landscape painting .

  15. “中国画已到了穷途末日的时候”,这个说法,成了画界的时髦话题。

    " Chinese painting already reached a dead end ", this view has become a fashionable topic of drawing circles .

  16. 儒学与中国画的功能论问题,和道禅思想与中国画论的关系一样,受到了画学界持续不断地关注。

    The relationship between Confucian and the Painting-function theory of .

  17. 但是,相对中国水墨人物画的发展来说,写实性素描作为一种异质文化,它促进还是制约了现代水墨人物画的发展在是当下理论界和画界一直在探讨的一个问题。

    However , objective drawing is a kind of heterogeneous culture in thedevelopment of Chinese ink portrait painting .