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huà gōng
  • painter;decorator;commercial painter
画工 [huà gōng]
  • [painter;decorator] 画师;画匠

画工[huà gōng]
  1. 画工与化工&论《琵琶记》与《西厢记》塑造人物的差别

    On the Difference in the Characterization of Pipa Story and Xixiang Story

  2. 很棒的故事和人物,漂亮的画工。

    Just great stories , great characters , beautiful artwork .

  3. 齐白石从民间画工转变为文人画家,经过了“变法”。

    Qi Baishi had gone through dramatic changes to become a learned painter .

  4. 画工们在这个建筑物上搭了一个脚手架画画。

    The painters set up a scaffold to work on while painting the building .

  5. 进而指出,该墓壁画是由一个规范的画工组织完成的。

    The author points out that the mural paintings were accomplished by a well-organized painter group .

  6. 很多画工在学艺不精的情况下就急于生产低价产品来获利。

    Many painters eager to profit from the low-priced products in the case of low craft level .

  7. 他们以深厚扎实的画工,配以多层次的图案,风格稳重,意境深远。

    They painted the deep solid , supported by multi-level design , style stable , far-reaching conception .

  8. 工笔画属中国传统的写实主义画派。其特点是画工精细,尤其注意细节的刻画。

    Gongbi is a traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail .

  9. 粉本&从宣化辽墓壁画看古代画工的工作模式

    Copybook ── Studying the Working Models of Ancient Painters through the Frescoes in the Liao Tombs in XuanHua

  10. 口部、颈部、肩部及足胫部皆用红彩配以墨彩绘制纹饰,线条流畅,画工精细。

    The bottle 's mouth , neck , and shoulder are all use blusher to match it with ink colored drawing .

  11. 进入元代,在特殊的社会文化格局中,文院之间的分歧逐渐开始消除,花鸟画从审美观念到绘事法则,出现了一场文人与画工共同参与的艺术变革。

    Enter Yuan Dynasty , in special social cultural structure and form , two systems ' resists start eliminate the solution gradually .

  12. 彼得兔人见人爱,小孩喜欢它顽皮淘气,每遇险境总能侥幸逃脱,成人则对它精细的画工欣赏不已。

    CHILDREN love Peter Rabbit for his epic naughtiness and lucky escapes , adults for the delicacy with which he is drawn .

  13. 第一,年轻画工们普遍比老一辈画工浮躁,生产了很多粗制滥造的产品。

    First , the young painters are impetuous than the older generation generally , appearing a lot of shoddy products on the market now .

  14. 画工在日常生活中,最主要的工作就是作画,除了作画之外他们也会逛古玩市场。

    In everyday life , the most important work of painters is painting , in addition , they will be visiting the antique market .

  15. 特别值得一提的是,华西从一名民间画工变成一名诗书画三绝的职业文人画家,令人倍增敬意。

    In particular , Hua Yan from a folk into a poem calligraphy and painting for the occupation of literati painters , a multiplier .

  16. 此外,笔者认为,该墓壁画的绘制反映了民间画工的一些工作状况。

    Furthermore , the author believes that the moral paintings in this tomb somehow reflect the working condition of the folk painters at that time .

  17. 很多画工不是追求作品的完美,而是追求短期的利益,从而沦为匠人。

    Many painters do not pursuit of perfection of the works , but of short-term interests , and thus become a worker but not a artist .

  18. 敦煌的壁画,在当时都是民间画工,下里巴人的东西,而现在,那个文人雅士敢说它俗?

    Dunhuang The murals , painted at the time workers are civil , the next thing people riba , and now , the literati say it is vulgar ?

  19. 原来宫女进宫后,一般都是见不到皇帝的,而是由画工画了像,送到皇帝那里去听候挑选。

    Odalisque palace of the original , are generally not see the emperor , but by the painter painted a portrait where have the discretion to select the emperor .

  20. 从技术到艺术,依靠的就是静心和专注。在本文的第三章中,笔者介绍了画工的日常生活。

    From technology to art , it relies on " meditation " and " concentration " . In the third chapter of this article , I describe the daily lives of the painters .

  21. 但是,本文也指出在信仰方面,相对于老一辈的画工,很多年轻的画工表现出了越来越多的冷漠和疏远。

    However , the article also pointed out that in matters of faith , as opposed to the older generation of painters , many young painters showed more and more indifferent and estrangement .

  22. 在画工的生活中,拜师也是一个非常重要环节。在本文中,笔者也揭示了内画领域所存在的一些问题。

    Selecting a master is a very important part in the lives of the painters , . In this article , I also reveal some of the problems that exist within the painting field .

  23. 北京故宫提梁壶署乾隆四字楷书款,观乎其细腻的画工及淡雅的背景,应是乾隆初年的作品。

    The Beijing kettle bears a four-character Qianlong mark , but the delicate painting style and the subtlety of the background to the panels suggests that it was made early in the reign period .

  24. 我国绘画有着数千年的历史,在这漫长的艺术实践中,古代的画工、画师对于线条的运用有着多种多样的创造和卓越的成就。

    Chinese painting has a history of thousands of years , in this long artistic practice , the ancient painters , artists for the lines of the use of a variety of creation and achievement .

  25. 洛阳作为西汉的重要郡城以及新莽和东汉的都城,其壁画墓画工的水平可能代表了当时民间画工比较高的水平。

    As the important prefecture of the Western Dynasty and the capital of both the Xin Mang and the Eastern Dynasty , its tomb murals possibly represent a relatively high level of painters at that time .

  26. 珐琅彩瓷秉承了历史上中国陶瓷发展的各种优点,从拉胚、成型、画工、用料、施釉、色彩、烧制的技术上是最精湛的。

    Colored enamel porcelain inherited in the history of Chinese ceramics in the development of a variety of advantages , from the embryo , forming , drawing , material , glazing , color , firing technology is the most consummate .