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  • 网络Draw a horse;Painted Horse
  1. 而二十世纪以来,由于中西文化的激烈碰撞,在艺术审美经验上也呈现一种互为融合的趋势,画马题材也概莫能外。

    Since the 20th century aesthetic experience in the arts have shown a trend of integration of each other , painted horse subject also without exception .

  2. 这个讲座将探究从古至今的画马艺术。

    The lecture will trace the depiction of horses from earliest times to the present day .

  3. 推荐答案我的一个朋友喜欢画马。

    A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse .

  4. 他在十岁的时候,对画马感兴趣了。

    At the age of ten , he became interested in drawing horses .

  5. 他画马画的很好,但他总是从尾巴开始画。

    He drew the horses very well , but he always began the tail .

  6. 徐悲鸿画马画得特别好。

    Xubeihong is very good at painting horse .

  7. 老师走进教室时,凌峰正在黑板上画马。

    Lin Feng was drawing a horse on the blackboard , when the teacher came in the classroom .

  8. 达·芬奇在大公的马厩中画马的草图。1493年,达·芬奇展示了雕像的陶制模型,获得了巨大成功。

    Leonardo sketched horses in the duke 's stable , and when he displayed the clay model in l493 it met with great acclaim .

  9. 他画的马很传神。

    The horse he painted is very lifelike .

  10. 你撕毁了我画的马!

    You tore up the horse I drew !

  11. 他希望人类象他画的马和象马一样的动物那样裸露。

    Of the completely bare . He liked human beings to be as naked as the horses he also painted , animals like them .

  12. 画这些摩登的马花消了我三年时间。

    Drawing the beautiful horses took me three years .

  13. 客人回答说:“画狗、画马最难了。”

    The guest answered : " Dogs and horses are the most difficult to draw . "

  14. 徐悲鸿对马的外形和习性有过深入的研究,他画过千余幅马的速写。

    Xu Beihong had researched the body shape and characteristics of horses and drew sketches of thousands of horses .

  15. 主题与变奏&中国仕女画与西方女性裸体画的比较马奈裸体画中的女性主义倾向

    An Eternal Theme & A comparison between the traditional Chinese paintings of beautiful women and the Western paintings of naked female

  16. “你画了什么?”“画的是马。”

    What have you drawn ? & " it 's meant to be a horse . "

  17. 我突然间觉得,如果画家对画很了解,那么是从头还是从尾,从腹部还是从脚开始画马都没有太大的区别。

    It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly or the foot of the horse , if he really knows his business .