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  • Painted Skin;disguise or mask of an evildoer;mask of an evildoer
画皮 [huà pí]
  • [mask of an evildoer] 传说中妖怪伪装美女时所披的人皮,可以取下来描画。后用来比喻掩盖狰狞面目或丑恶本质的漂亮外表

画皮[huà pí]
  1. 中国魔幻大片《画皮II—复活》自登陆各大院线仅4天就创造了3亿人民币的票房收入。《画皮2》的成功票房令中国电影产业倍受鼓舞。

    Chinese supernatural fantasy film " Painted Skin : the Resurrection " took in 300 million yuan in just four days.The success brought new encouragement to China 's film industry .

  2. 影片上映首日票房达8170万元,打破了《画皮2》(PaintedSkin:TheResurrection)创下的7000万元的国产影片纪录。

    Its opening-day take was 81.7 million yuan , breaking the 70-million-yuan record of Painted Skin : The Resurrection for a domestic movie .

  3. 影片上映首日票房达8170万元,打破了《画皮2》(PaintedSkin:TheResurrection)创下的7000万元的国产影片纪录。

    Its opening-day take was 81.7 million yuan , breaking the 70-million-yuan record of " Painted Skin : The Resurrection " for a domestic movie .

  4. 它首度揭开了青楼风月的迷人画皮,暴露出妓院娼肆的阴暗。

    It has exposed the brothel dark side for the first time .

  5. 她毫不留情地剥掉了这个伪君子的画皮。

    e.g. : She ripped off the mask of the hypocrite mercilessly .

  6. 《画壁》号称是上一部大热影片《画皮》的续集。

    The movie claims to be a sequel to the previous hit Painted Skin .

  7. 是时候揭开纸老虎的画皮,直视中国的真实面目。

    It is time to leave the theater and see China for what it is .

  8. 刚刚看完《画皮》。看完之后,才发现自己不知道什么是爱。

    You don 't know what love is , until you 've seen'Painted Skin ' .

  9. 画皮:改编自中国传统名著的一部热播电影,讲述一个吃人女鬼的故事。

    Painted Skin : Hit film about a flesh-eating vampire woman , based on a traditional Chinese story .

  10. 新版《画皮》:中国恐怖电影的审美转向

    The New Version of Painted Skin : A Turning Point in the Development of the Chinese Horror Movie 's Aesthetics

  11. 《画皮2》将于6月28日在中国大陆上映,7月上旬在亚洲其他国家和地区上映。

    Painted Skin : The Resurrection opens across China on June 28 and in early July in other parts of Asia .

  12. 中国鬼片《画皮》不久将进入续集拍摄制作,演员阵容大部分是原班人马。

    Chinese vampire film " Painted Skin " will soon have a sequel in production with most cast members returning to the film .

  13. 随着电影技术发展的时代不同,也造就了《画皮》的不同艺术作品的诞生。

    Along with the development of times film technology is different ; also make the skin of the birth of the different art works .

  14. 在上周末开幕的上海国际电影节上,中国最新一部大制作动作片《画皮2》作为开幕影片拉开了本届电影节的序幕。

    Painted Skin : The Resurrection , China 's latest big-budget action movie , kicked off the Shanghai International Film Festival over the weekend .

  15. 《画皮》改编自古典文学名著《聊斋》中的一个狐仙故事。

    Based upon the classic literature of Liao Zai , Painted Skin is an adaptation of one of the stories that dwell on fox spirits .

  16. 正在热卖的电影《画皮》就很幸运、很恰好、很事在人为的撞见了这样的彩头。

    Hot is the film " The Painted " very lucky , very precisely , it depends on human effort of the meet by accident such luck .

  17. 画虎画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心。

    Painting a tiger 's skin is easy , but not so the bones . A man 's face one can know , but not his heart .

  18. 耗资一千五百万美元的《画皮》由陈嘉上导演,是在大陆拍摄、香港制作、两地合作的电影。

    The $ 15 million " Skin " is a Hong Kong-China co-production shot in China but produced by a Hong Kong team led by director Gordon Chan .

  19. 但是,相对于绝大部分国产影片在2012年上半年,特别是4月和5月经历的票房惨淡,《画皮2》的成功似乎是个例外。

    But its success seems to be the exception as the majority of domestic films have experienced a disappointing first half in 2012 , especially in April and May .

  20. 《画皮》取材于清代蒲松龄的古代小说《聊斋志异》。

    " Painted Skin " is adapted from the ancient novel " Liaozhai Zhiyi ", or " Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio ", written by Pu Songling in the Qing Dynasty .

  21. 她发现自己有一种奇怪的爱好,喜欢画皮装和衣料。因此,她偷偷地在一个朋友的画室里工作。这位朋友是大布商们的主要“艺术家”。

    She had discovered that she had an odd knack of sketching furs and dress materials , so she worked secretly in the studio of a friend who was the chief " artist " for the leading drapers .

  22. 今年暑期将计划推出魔幻巨制《画皮2》、陈凯歌导演的最新作品《搜索》等多部国产影片“中国巨幕”版。

    A series of Chinese-language films will be screened this summer using the DMAX format , including the period fantasy epic " Painted Skin : The Resurrection " and director Chen Kaige 's latest feature " Caught in the Web . "

  23. 周二,《西游·降魔篇》超过了奇幻动作影片《画皮2》,成为总票房第三的国产影片。《画皮2》于去年6月上映,总票房达7.265亿元。

    On Tuesday , " Journey to the West " surpassed the fantasy-action movie " Painted Skin : The Resurrection , " which was released last June and went on to earn 726.5 million yuan , to become the third-highest grossing domestic film in China .

  24. 《画皮2》讲述的是在中国古代,周迅饰演的靠吃人心来保持年轻美貌的女妖以及对真爱的追求可以将妖变成人的故事。

    Set in ancient China , " Painted Skin : The Resurrection " is about a demon ( Ms. Zhou ) who consumes the hearts of men to remain young and beautiful , and the pursuit of true love that will transform her into a human .