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  1. 叶生拟胚珠的形成期比正常胚珠滞后15d,而且在授粉期的叶生拟胚珠上始终未发现传粉滴的出现;

    The ovule-like organ lagged behind the normal ovule for fifteen days at initial stage , moreover no pollination drop was found on the ovule-like organ .

  2. 研究表明:大气中SO2、NOx浓度以枝叶生长期最高,分别为高径生长期的5.2倍和6.7倍;

    The contents of SO2 and NOx in and near the forest were the highest during the growth period of leaf and branch , and were 5.2 and 6.7 times respectively the content during the growth of height and diameter .

  3. 西洋参茎叶生药学研究

    Pharmacognosy Study of the Stem and Leave of American Genseng

  4. 人参叶生药学研究

    The Pharmacognosy Study of the Leaves of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey

  5. 羊纽约克;牛瘦;鸡珍;鱿鱼;叶生。

    Lamb Tenderloin , Lean Beef , Chicken Giblets , Squid and Lettuce .

  6. 活枝生产量和叶生产量可直接来自生物量。

    Current twig and leaf productions are obtained directly from the biomass values .

  7. 不同栽植密度下紫花苜蓿叶生产量研究

    Study on the Leaf Yields of Alfalfa ( Medicago sativa ) with Different Planting Densities

  8. 每个叶上叶生拟胚珠1~8个,但只有一个能正常发育。

    There were one to eight ovule-like organs on each leaf , but only one developed normally .

  9. 中国首次发现叶籽银杏子代无性系叶生胚珠表达&兼论其遗传稳定性

    The first discovery of epiphyllous ovule from clone progeny of Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla-in China with comments on its genetic stability

  10. 通过对岛内叶生地衣研究,有助于丰富该地区的地衣资源及其物种多样性。

    The research of foliicolous lichens from the region will supply the lichens recourse and enrich the biodiversity to the Hainan Island .