
huà xiàng
  • portrait;image;portray;portrayal;draw a portrait;counterfeit
画像 [huà xiàng]
  • [draw a portrait;portray] 画人像

  • 给孩子画像

  • (1) [portrait]∶肖像

  • 巨幅画像

  • (2) [portrayal]∶画成的人像

画像[huà xiàng]
  1. 检查和调查应采用以无损探伤技术为主体,如地质雷达探测技术、画像摄影技术等。

    The check and investigation should adopt scatheless technology as for instance geological radars survey technology , draw a portrait camera work , etc.

  2. 我们把她的画像挂在壁炉上方。

    We hung her portrait above the fireplace .

  3. 画家画了她躺在床上的画像。

    The artist had depicted her lying on a bed .

  4. 洞穴壁上装饰着鹿和猎人的画像。

    Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls .

  5. 她想请一位名画家为自己画像。

    She wanted a famous artist to paint her picture .

  6. 一位朋友给我画了孩子们的画像。

    A friend painted the children for me .

  7. 据说那幅画像很像袭击那个女孩的歹徒。

    The drawing is said to be a good likeness of the girl 's attacker .

  8. 她不该亵渎宗教领袖的画像。

    She shouldn 't have desecrated the picture of a religious leader

  9. 一幅罗里·奥穆尔的画像挂在基尔丹根的餐厅里。

    A picture of Rory O'Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan .

  10. 她说这张模拟画像像极了绑架她的人。

    She says the artist 's impression is an excellent likeness of her abductor .

  11. 女孩坐着和警方画像专家一起模拟拼绘攻击她的人的画像。

    The girl sat down with a police artist to compile a Photofit of her attacker .

  12. 委拉斯开兹的作品从那时起大多局限于皇室成员画像。

    Velazquez 's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family .

  13. 为了让画家给自己画像,一个人很有可能连续坐上8个钟头。

    A person may well have been sitting for the artist for eight hours at a stretch .

  14. 她在一幅狗的画像前停下来,开始“汪汪”地学起狗叫来。

    She stopped in front of a painting of a dog and she started going ' woof woof '

  15. 墙上挂的画像、奢华的装饰和那座金钟都表明这可不是一间普普通通的客厅。

    The portraits and sumptuous ornaments , and the gold clock , show that this is not just any old front room .

  16. 这位艺术家在这幅画像中把你的容貌重现得维妙维肖。

    The artist has reproduced your features very well in this portrait .

  17. 把画像挂端正。

    Hang the portrait straight .

  18. 这张画像栩栩如生。

    The portrait speaks .

  19. 这是一幅精美的画像。

    It 's an exquisite portrait .

  20. 他会几个星期不上那儿去,也会忘了这幅丑恶的画像,并且恢复了轻松的心情、非凡的愉快和对生活的狂热专注。

    For weeks he would not go there , would forget the hideous painted thing , and get back his light heart , his wonderful joyousness , his passionate absorption in mere existence .

  21. 后来,在他的书中,他常常会放上一张自己的画像,这样一来,走在大街上人们就能认出并称赞他了。

    Later , in his cook books , he would often include a sketch of himself , so that people on the street would be able to recognize — and admire — him .

  22. 这个村子里有许多动物的画像,比如猫和鸟。

    In the village , there were many paintings of animals , such as cats and birds .

  23. 他热爱他的工作,而且非常了解大象,他说一些关于动物的画像画得非常好。

    He loves his job there and knows a lot about elephants.He says some of the animals paintings are very good .

  24. 墙上挂着查尔斯国王的画像。

    There is a portrait of King Charles on the wall .

  25. 微型画像艺术创始于英国

    The art of portrait miniatures was originated in England .

  26. 这是后来我给他画出来的最好的一副画像。

    Here you may see the best potrait that , later , I was able to make of him .

  27. 崇敬她大多数的人不会放过每一篇报导她的八卦新闻,甚至在他们的房间中悬挂黛妃的画像,这些人并非都是傲慢成性。

    Most of the people who worshipped her , who read every tidbit about her in the gossip press and hung up pictures of her in their rooms , were not social snobs .

  28. 一名保安幽默地趴在雕塑后面,这尊名为“面具II”的雕塑是创作者的自画像。

    A security guard jokingly inspects the back of a self-portrait entitled'Mask II'by Australian sculptor Ron Mueck .

  29. 尊敬的A·B·林肯亲爱的先生我父亲刚从集市回来,带回了你和哈姆林先生的画像。

    Hon A B Lincoln Dear Sir My father has just come from the fair and brought home your picture and Mr. Hamlin ' s.

  30. 在穿着正式的黑裤与马甲的学院仆人鱼贯而入之前,我们在托马斯•蒲柏爵士(SirThomasPope)的画像前做了拉丁文的谢恩祷告。

    Latin grace was said under the portrait of Sir Thomas Pope , the founder , before the college servants , formally dressed in dark trousers and waistcoats , moved in .