
huà jiā
  • painter;artist
画家 [huà jiā]
  • [painter;artist] 专精绘画(如图画、图案)的人

  • 中国画家。--蔡元培《图画》

  • 西洋画家。

画家[huà jiā]
  1. 作为画家,他独领风骚。

    As a painter , he is in a league of his own .

  2. 他的母亲是画家,他本人也是很出色的艺术家。

    His mother was a painter , and he 's no mean artist himself .

  3. 她的绘画风格为其他画家所模仿。

    Her style of painting has been imitated by other artists .

  4. 图画前景中的人是画家的母亲。

    The figure in the foreground is the artist 's mother .

  5. 展览全面体现了这位画家的艺术生涯。

    The exhibition presents a summation of the artist 's career .

  6. 这位画家在内容和手法两方面都有重大创新。

    The artist was revolutionary in both subject matter and technique .

  7. 古典风景画是18世纪许多画家所喜欢用的题材。

    Classical landscapes were a popular subject with many 18th century painters .

  8. 画家画了她躺在床上的画像。

    The artist had depicted her lying on a bed .

  9. 这座画廊藏有那位画家的一些早期作品。

    The gallery possesses a number of the artist 's early works .

  10. 她想请一位名画家为自己画像。

    She wanted a famous artist to paint her picture .

  11. “你真是画家吗?”萨拉好奇地问道。

    ' Are you really an artist ? ' Sara asked curiously .

  12. 那位画家从各种角度把这一景色画了下来。

    The artist has painted the scene from various viewpoints .

  13. 画家用了深绿色和棕色来表现波涛汹涌的大海。

    The artist has rendered the stormy sea in dark greens and browns .

  14. 这个展览会展出的是当地画家的作品。

    The exhibition features the paintings of local creatives .

  15. 他因向后起的年轻画家提供睿智的忠告而闻名。

    He was famous for his sage advice to younger painters .

  16. 凡·高可能是世界上最知名的画家。

    Van Gogh is probably the best-known painter in the world .

  17. 现在卡通画家用传真机发送作品。

    These days , cartoonists send in their work by fax .

  18. 画这幅画的时候,画家非常注意细节。

    The painting had been executed with meticulous attention to detail .

  19. 下周法国画家让·科克托的8幅作品将被拍卖。

    Eight drawings by French artist Jean Cocteau will be auctioned next week

  20. 这部电影大部分都在描述那位画家如何完全沉溺于自己的工作。

    Much of the film shows the painter simply going about his task

  21. 这位画家丰富的想象力曾一度枯竭。

    For once , the artist 's fertile imagination failed him

  22. 不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。

    He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England

  23. 画家可能会对线条和形状进行夸大或扭曲。

    A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms

  24. 许多胸怀抱负的年轻画家被建议通过临摹大师的作品来学习绘画。

    Many aspiring young artists are advised to learn by copying the masters .

  25. 画廊已举办了一场爱尔兰女画家的作品展。

    The gallery has mounted an exhibition of art by Irish women painters .

  26. 她曾是法国画家亨利·马蒂斯的人体模特和灵感女神。

    Once she was a nude model and muse to French artist Henri Matisse .

  27. 我认识一个雕刻家,她用自己的作品去换一位著名画家的画作。

    I know a sculptor who swaps her pieces for drawings by a well-known artist

  28. 他既是画家又是诗人。

    He was a painter and poet .

  29. 这幅恢宏画作出自一位19世纪最杰出的画家之手。

    This is a great drawing by one of the 19th century 's finest draughtsmen .

  30. 她根据作者、年龄和插图画家分别为该书编了索引。

    She 's indexed the book by author , by age , and by illustrator .