
sù dù jí xiàn
  • speed limit
  1. 负荷极限和滑行速度极限分别是纯PTFE的110%和160%;

    The wear , loading limit and sliding speed limit of PTFE composites were respectively one tenth , 110 % and 160 % that of PTFE .

  2. 国家长期经济增长“潜力”或“趋势”-不引起通货膨胀的情况下GDP增长速度极限&取决于劳动供给增长和生产效率。

    A country 's long-term " potential " or " trend " rate of growth the speed limit at which GDP can expand without igniting inflation is determined by growth in its labour supply and productivity .

  3. NSPS的这种极限形式可以写成广义的傅氏积分,在常速度极限情况下积分减少了普通相移。

    NSPS in this limiting form can be written as generalized Fourier integrals which reduce to ordinary phase shift in the constant velocity limit .

  4. 光速原来是自然界的速度极限。

    The speed of light turns out to be nature 's speed limit .

  5. 几个毗邻州中的一个州提高汽车速度极限而引起的骨牌效应。

    The domino effect of increasing the speed limit in one of several contiguous states .

  6. 亚洲在开放方面的动力,似乎更像是达到了速度极限,而非出现倒退。

    Asia 's drive for openness looks more as if it is hitting speed limits than going into reverse .

  7. 来自各大洲的最优秀滑雪选手已准备好在这超级的滑雪道飞驰和挑战速度极限。

    The best riders from all continents are ready to let it fly in the Superpipe and Time Attack competitions .

  8. 作为时空结构的一部分,光速是终极速度极限。

    The velocity of light is the ultimate speed limit , being part of the very structure of space and time .

  9. 此测功机采用非接触式加载&永磁涡流加载,可以避免机械轴承和联轴器的速度极限的限制。

    This dynamometer using permanent magnetic eddy load , without any contact , can avoid the velocity limit of mechanical bearing and coupling .

  10. 近年来,国外应用通气超空泡原理,达到了减阻和突破速度极限的目的,并在高速水下兵器的科研方面取得了突破性进展。

    Recently , a great breakthrough was made in the development of high-speed underwater weapons by applying the technique of ventilation to reduce the drag and break the velocity limitation .

  11. 在接着的第三部分,提出并论证了媒介的终结的观点,论证部分由速度极限、内容的内容和人类最后的延伸&中枢神经的延伸三方面构成;

    In chapter II 、 In the following third part , the idea of " media 's endding " is expounded and demonstrated , which is composed of three parts : extreme of speed , content of the content , and human being 's last extending-the extending of central nerves .

  12. 经过Lorentz变换,认为光速c是一切实际物体运动速度的极限。

    After Lorentz transformation , it is concluded that the light speed is the limit of any objective 's velocities .

  13. 幂函数逼近速度在极限运算中的应用

    The application of power function approaching speed in the ultimate operation

  14. 波尔特刚刚打破了人类速度的极限。

    Usain Bolt may have just broken the human speed limit .

  15. 它是全世界最疯狂的运动-比赛下来你可以亲眼目睹高速度的极限斜坡。

    It 's the world 's craziest sport-racing down extreme slopes on your high speed ATV .

  16. 然而,很多科学家依然相信黑洞增长速度存在极限。

    However , many scientists have long believed the growth rate of black holes was limited .

  17. 一旦出清库存的速度达到极限,住宅价格水平就有可能企稳,而这远远早于最终出清过剩库存的时间。

    The level of home prices will probably stabilise as soon as the rate of inventory liquidation reaches its maximum , well before the ultimate elimination of inventory excess .

  18. 研究表明低温将使材料屈服强度和极限强度提高,屈服强度提高速度大于极限强度;

    It shows that low temperature will cause the increase of the yield strength and limited the strength of the material , but the yield strength increases faster than the limited strength .

  19. 为满足作战需要,改善导弹的总体性能,又有利于降低研制成本,对图像制导导弹的导引头最大跟踪角速度、极限框架角、搜索方案以及导弹的速度方案,进行了分析设计。

    To satisfy tactical needs , improve overall performance of the missile and reduce developing cost , the maximum tracking speed , the limit frame angle and the searching program of the imaging seeker and the speed program of an image guided missile are analyzed .

  20. 极限氧气浓度和极限气流速度两个极限参数,是衡量材料可燃性的关键指标。

    The limit oxygen concentration and the limit gas velocity are critical index to evaluate the flammability of materials .

  21. 如果表中的参考速度超过了极限转速,那么就禁止用更高的值。

    If the reference speed in the tables exceeds the limiting speed , the higher value must not be used .

  22. 这一概念是与补充试验的结果相符的,即降低氢的平均喷射速度使稳定性极限温度增加。

    In agreement with this concept is the additional experimental result that decreasing the mean hydrogen injection velocity increases the stability limit temperature .

  23. 依据当前的理论,黑洞的增长速度是有极限的,但是,这个黑洞太大了,以致超越了这个极限。

    Current theory is for a limit to how fast a black hole can grow , but this black hole is too large for that theory .

  24. 随着轴向差应力的增加,波速先增后降;对于砂岩,纵横波峰值速度大致在极限强度的80%和50%处。

    Both P-wave and S-wave velocities increase firstly and then decrease along with the increase in additional axial stress , with the maximum velocities corresponding respectively to 80 % and 50 % ultimate compressive strength of sandstones .

  25. 风速变化影响发电机从风中吸收的能量,当风速低于风机运行的最低速度或高于极限运行速度时,发电机要切出电网,不再发电。

    Wind speed affect the energy that generator absorbed from the wind , when the wind speed below the minimum speed to run or above the speed limit , the generator must to cut out of the power grid .

  26. 对非线性气动弹性系统,研究了在初始条件下极限环振荡出现的速度范围,极限环振荡的频率和幅值与出现极限环的速度之间的变化规律。

    The range of speed where a limit-cycle oscillation occurs in the initial condition is studied . The relation of the amplitudes and the frequencies of the limit-cycle oscillation of the nonlinear airfoil and the velocities of the limit-cycle oscillation are studied .

  27. 传统MOSFET结构正以较快的发展速度接近其物理极限,而单电子器件将成为新型的高性能集成化器件结构。

    Conventional MOSFET architectures are approaching rapidly fundamental physical limitations , while single-electron devices are expected to be a new type of integrated device architecture with high performance .

  28. 我的反应速度已经到达了极限!

    I 'm Reacting As Fast As I Can !

  29. 这辆车的速度已达到了极限,不能再跑更快了。

    The car has reached its terminal speed and can run faster no longer .

  30. 速度调节的最大极限水轮机调速器在功率闭环调节模式下的一次调频试验

    Primary frequency regulation test of hydraulic turbine governor under power closed loop adjusting mode