
  1. 基于BP模型的玻璃幕墙工程造价指标系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of the Engineering Cost Index System of Glass Curtain Walls Based on BP Neural Network Techniques

  2. 在决策阶段运用灰色预测系统中的时间序列GM(1,1)模型根据典型工程的造价指标估算拟建工程的投资费用以达到能准确预测工程投资费用的目的。

    We apply GM ( 1,1 ) of grey prediction system on decision phase to estimate the investment cost of proposed project basing on typical construction costs index .

  3. 对建立建设工程造价指标体系的浅析

    Brief Analysis on Establishing the Construction Project Cost Target System

  4. 编制建设工程造价指标的探讨

    Discussion of the Edited Cost Index of Construction Engineering

  5. 公路工程单位造价指标软件的开发与推广应用价值

    Development And Spread Application Value Of Indexes Of Unit Cost Soft In Road Engineering

  6. 分析和研究影响别墅建筑工程造价指标的因素。

    Ultimate analysis and research the affect of several factors to villa project construction cost index .

  7. 京沪高速铁路虹桥动车所塑料排水板施工工艺及造价指标分析

    Construction Technology and Cost Index of Plastic Drainage Plank At the Hongqiao Dynamic Vehicle Place of Beijing to Shanghai Fast-speed Railway

  8. 传统的农网输变电工程造价指标已逐渐难以满足目前造价水平评价的需要,亟待改进。

    The traditional cost evaluation index for rural power network power transmission and transformation construction can not meet the requirement of the current project cost management and evaluation gradually , an improved index is needed .

  9. 通过学习工程造价指标的相关理论和文献,根据油田地面建设工程高重复性和逐渐向标准化设计发展的特征,研究制定出标准工程结构树。

    Via referring to relevant theories and papers of construction cost , according to repeatability and standard-oriented design of ground construction , it tries to establish a standardized construction structure tree , which was established according to the standard in construction final settlement report .

  10. 本文主要分析造价指标与材料价格、人工工日单价、建筑物参数之间的相关性,得出一系列别墅安装工程造价规律,最后希望得到能给实际工程参考的计算规则。

    In this paper , analysis the parameters between cost targets and materials prices , price of artificial man-days , the correlation of building , come to a series of laws of the installation project cost , hope for the rules of calculation guide to practical engineering .

  11. 污水处理构筑物结构方案优化与工程造价经济指标分析

    Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Construction and the Analysis of Project Cost Economic Index

  12. 由于公路建设的飞速发展,大量繁重的工程造价数据指标需要优化处理,传统的工程造价管理方法和手段备受挑战。

    Because of the Rapid Development of Road Construction , huge amounts of heavy statistics indexes need optimum processing , the traditional engineering cost management methods and means are being challenged .

  13. 能耗率和通信速率的优势对最优方案的贡献较大,投资造价这一指标因素相比其他因素而言是最为灵敏因素。

    Recourse consumption rate and communication speed make great contribution to the optimal solution , the investment of construction cost compared to other factors is the most sensitive factor .

  14. 另外,分别编制出上述三种结构及相应的砖混结构的结构部分造价预算及单位面积造价经济指标。

    The cost of the three structures and corresponding brick masonry structure is given .

  15. 详细阐述了造价风险理论,并通过风险识别技术对电力施工企业在施工全过程中可能遇到的风险进行了分析筛选,并在此基础上构建了工程造价风险评价指标体系。

    This section introduces the cost risk theory and screens risk of electricity and power construction enterprises and then constructs the evalution index system of project cost risk . 3 .