
zào chuán
  • shipbuilding;build a ship
造船[zào chuán]
  1. 造船业是夕阳产业。

    Shipbuilding is a dying business .

  2. 南方的造船业正在迅速发展。

    The shipbuilding industry of the south is rapidly expanding .

  3. 他们扩建造船厂,开始了工程施工。

    They expanded the shipyards and started engineering works .

  4. 由于未能赢得这份合同,造船厂又遭到了一次惨重的打击。

    The shipyard has been dealt another crushing blow with the failure to win this contract .

  5. 这些订单将给英国的造船厂注入一线生机。

    The orders will throw a lifeline to Britain 's shipyards .

  6. 该造船厂的造船技术处于世界最前沿。

    This shipyard is at the cutting edge of world shipbuilding technology .

  7. 我们将合同给了一家英国造船厂。

    We have awarded the contract to a British shipyard

  8. 到20世纪60年代,许多造船厂都在勉强支撑。

    By the 1960s , many shipyards were struggling .

  9. 乔治是造船厂的一名钳工。

    George was a fitter at the shipyard .

  10. 他在泰晤士河边的造船厂订单充足。

    He has a full order book for his boat-building yard on the Thames .

  11. 阳光游艇公司于1870年开始造船。

    Sunbeam Yachts started boatbuilding in 1870 .

  12. 总部设在马特湖边的阳光游艇公司于1870年开始造船。

    Based on the edge of Lake Matt , Sunbeam Yachts started boatbuilding in 1870 .

  13. 造船厂计划明天重新开张。

    It plans to reopen the shipyard tomorrow

  14. 这是除柚木以外最好的造船木材。

    With the exception of teak , this is the finest wood for boat construction .

  15. 桑德兰造船厂最终转为了私营。

    Eventually Sunderland Shipbuilders was denationalised .

  16. 1980年,列宁造船厂的罢工致使团结工会得以成立。

    In 1980 , strikes at the Lenin Shipyards gave birth to the Solidarity trade union .

  17. 在造船方面英国已落到日本后头了。

    Britain has fallen behind Japan in shipbuilding .

  18. 这个厂定名为东风造船厂。

    It was named Dongfeng Shipyard .

  19. 他对那个国家造船业的垄断已经建立起来。

    His monopoly of shipbuilding in that country has been established .

  20. 现在政府应该认识到,英国的主要工业之一是电子而不是造船。

    It is time that the government realized that electronics , not ship-building , is one of britain 's key industries .

  21. 全球造船业在整合中强力迸发。

    Global shipbuilding industry is puissant in conformity burst forth .

  22. 英国已丧失在造船业的领导地位。

    Britain has lost her leadership in the shipbuilding industry .

  23. 造船工匠用麻丝和沥青填塞木船缝隙。

    Shipbuilders caulk wooden boats with oakum and tar .

  24. 他的梦想是成为一名造船者。

    His dream is to be a shipwright .

  25. 以前,橡树经常用于造船,但现在绝大部分船只都是由钢铁制成。

    Oak was formerly5 much used for building ships , but most ships are now built of iron or steel .

  26. 本周五中午,中国第二艘航母完成首次海试之后返回大连造船厂。

    China 's second aircraft carrier returned to dock at Dalian Shipyard in northeast China 's Liaoning Province , Friday noon after its first sea trials .

  27. 年在从牙买加开往英格兰的船上,伊莉莎白·马什,这位英国皇家海军部队造船匠的女儿在母亲的肚中经历了她第一次的航海远行。

    The daughter of a shipwright in the Royal Navy , Elizabeth Marsh had her first sailing adventure as she travelled in her mother 's womb from Jamaica to England in 1735.1735

  28. 一位越族工匠善于造船,由于工作成绩突出,他得到了越王的信任,被越人尊为造船宗师,享有优厚的待遇。

    There was an artisan of the state of Yue who was good at making boats . Because of his excellent work , the king trusted him very much . He was regarded as a great master of boat making and got munificent1 treatment .

  29. 近年来,以柔性制造技术(FlexibleManufacturingTechnology)为代表的先进制造技术越来越受到造船企业的重视。

    Recent years , Flexible Manufacturing Technology and other advanced manufacturing technologies are of great interest to shipyards .

  30. 应用BP网络测算造船作业任务包定额工时

    Man-hour Calculation of Working Package using Error Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network