
  1. 善于打理危机业务的美国金融家威尔伯•罗斯(WilburRoss)正计划挺进次级抵押贷款市场。此举表明,信贷危机正为那些逢低吸纳、甘冒风险的投资者敞开机会之门。

    Wilbur Ross , the US financier who specialises in distressed businesses , is planning a push into subprime mortgages in a sign the credit turmoil is opening up opportunities for bargain-hunting , risk-taking investors .

  2. 几代证券投资者所受的教导,都是逢低吸纳原则。

    Several generations of equity investors have been reared on the principle of buying the dips .

  3. 上海股市领涨,原因是上海股市滑至13个月低点后,逢低吸纳者入场。

    Shanghai led the advance as bargain-hunters moved in following the market 's slide to a 13-month low .

  4. 投资者说,中东欧国家股票价格相对于公司利润来说也偏低,这就为逢低吸纳者提供了机会。

    Central and Eastern European share prices also are low relative to corporate profits , creating opportunities for bargain hunters , investors said .

  5. 很多经纪商都报告称,最近的交易活动异常强劲,主要原因是投资者在金融和矿业板块逢低吸纳。

    A number of brokers are reporting an exceptionally strong trading period , mainly driven by investors looking for bargains in sectors such as financials and mining .

  6. 随着美国股市在过去13个交易日中的10个交易日下跌,参加此次大会的许多投资者说,他们利用此次下跌的机会逢低吸纳。

    As stocks have slipped in 10 of the past 13 trading days , many investors at the conference said they have used the decline to snap up shares .

  7. 受投资者逢低吸纳的推动,泰国股市昨日大涨11.2%。与此同时,泰国经济决策者将周二市场混乱的原因归咎于误解,并正试图消除其影响。

    Thailand 's stock market gained 11.2 per cent yesterday , driven by bargain - hunting investors snapping up cheap equities , as Thai economic policymakers sought to dismiss Tuesday 's market chaos as the result of a misunderstanding .