
yì wén
  • anecdote
逸闻 [yì wén]
  • [anecdote] 传闻

逸闻[yì wén]
  1. 循环经济逸闻

    Anecdote of Circulatory Economy

  2. 如果头两位教授是错的,并把这件冰激凌逸闻写进他们的课程笔记里,他们就开创了一个先例,而人们如果忽视这个先例,就显得不理性了。

    If the first two professors are wrong , and include the ice-cream anecdote in their course notes , they set a precedent that it is irrational to ignore .

  3. 这段逸闻在报章杂志中鲜有报道。

    The episode was reported minimally in the press .

  4. 报纸发表了该影星的逸闻。

    The newspaper published an expose of the film star 's past life .

  5. 越来越多的逸闻例证表明,兼收并蓄的艺术品味已在亚洲地区逐渐显现出来。

    There are more and more anecdotal examples of an eclectic art taste developing in the region .

  6. 现在的华盛顿人都有防范间谍的意识,但这只是个小逸闻,艾伦来访的重要任务,是关于潜艇谜机。

    They were all spy-conscious in Washington now , but such anecdotes apart , the central event of Alan 's visit was the breakthrough back into the U-boat Enigma .

  7. 这种想法是对的。但奇怪的是,现在很多教授可能都会这样做:尽管怀疑这件逸闻是假的,但却最终服从于前人们的集体智慧。

    But the curious thing is that any number of professors may now follow suit , suspecting that the anecdote is bogus but deferring to the collective wisdom of their predecessors .