
zhì suǒ
  • Governance;seat of local government
治所 [zhì suǒ]
  • [seat of a local government] 旧指地方各级官吏的任职所在地

  1. 羌道治所今舟曲西北。

    Qiang Road Northwest Zhouqu this legacy .

  2. 历史浏览:丰南原属丰润和滦县的一部分,1946年设立治所。

    Browser history : formerly Fengnan Luanxian rich and part of the establishment in1946 legacy .

  3. 元代辽阳行省的设置与治所变迁问题探讨

    A Study on Liaoyang Province 's Establishment and the Change of Its Government in Yuan Dynasty

  4. 云南抚仙湖探密中的古建筑遗址不是汉代俞元县治所所在地。

    The ancient architectural ruins under the Fuxian Lake is not the county seat of Yuyuan .

  5. 平凉市仍为府治所。

    Pingliang City House legacy remains .

  6. 今天有比裁决更为甚者,就如同马丁·萨维治所报道的那样是强有力的一步。

    And there was much more today than just the pot rulings , a powerful step as Martin Savidge reports .

  7. 本文以明代末年也即修城浪潮结束之后为时间节点,对明代山西治所城市的外部形态问题进行了考察。

    This thesis take the late Ming dynasty as time node , study the external form of Shanxi local government cities in the Ming dynasty .

  8. 考察的内容主要包括治所城市的自然地理环境,规模、形态、布局,商贸、民居、交通,沿革变迁、风物民情。

    His investigate contents are made up of natural geography environment , scale , appearance , layout , trade , house , transportation , evolution and development changes , custom and feeling .

  9. 作为经济发展的重要特征,江南地区市镇大量兴起,并与州府县治所相互衔接、融合,组成了各有侧重的区域市场圈。

    As an important feature of economic development , a lot of towns emerged in regions south of the Yangtze River . They were in connection with the central state , and other jurisdictional mansions and counties , gradually forming different regional market circles .

  10. 南部地区至迟在清末也形成了以平凉为中心市场,其它州县治所为中间市场,村镇集市为基层市场的稀疏市场网络格局。

    The south area also has formed the sparse market network system at latest in the end of the Qing Dynasty , which takes Pingliang as the central market , state and county town as the inter-middle market , villages and small towns as the standard market .

  11. 从总体上看,在安史之乱以前,唐代丝绸之路全线畅通,东西方贸易频繁,丝路沿线的市场也得到很大发展,沿线的州县治所多发展成为重要的商业城镇。

    On the whole , before An-Shih Rebellion , the Silk Road was opened , trade between the East and the West was frequently , the market of Silk Road developed quickly , and most county and state along the Silk Road became important business city or town .