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  1. 汉代名田宅制与田宅逾制论说

    On the System of Ming-tian-zhai and Exceeding the Standard of the Farmhouse System in Han Dynasty

  2. 明代中后期奢侈风气,由于传统习俗、经济条件、政治控制等因素的不同,存在地区、群体和违礼逾制表现的差异。

    Extravagant climate in the middle and latter period of Ming Dynasty had differences in areas , groups and violation in system because of the differences in traditional custom , economic condition and political control , ect .

  3. 随着商品经济的进一步发展,晚明社会出现了重利趋商、浮靡奢侈、违礼逾制为主要特征的社会风尚。

    With the further development of commodity economy , the Late Ming Dynasty witnessed the emergence of new social conventions , with the characteristics of profit-driven way of business , prevailing extravagance , and violation of social norms .

  4. 明中期,皇室生活逐渐入奢,增加了御用瓷器的需求,加重了景德镇瓷器生产负担;与此同时,民窑瓷器多有犯禁逾制之举,皇室威严受到挑战。

    In the middle of Ming , the imperial life became more luxurious and demanded more wares , which multiplied the burden of chinaware production in Jingde town ; Meanwhile , the civil kilns often broke prohibition , and the authority of the imperial family was challenged .