
è zhì zhènɡ cè
  • containment policy;policy of containment
  1. 我想这取决于你如何看待遏制政策。

    I think that depends on what you consider a containment policy .

  2. 中国很可能会认为这是某种遏制政策的开始。

    China might well view this as the start of a containment policy .

  3. 据说政府在奉行遏制政策。

    The government are said to be pursuing a policy of containment .

  4. 试论辽对西夏的遏制政策

    The Liao Dynasty 's Policies of Containment On Xixia Regime

  5. 正是遏制政策导致了该条约签署。

    It was a policy of containment which had led to the treaty .

  6. 主张打击伊朗的人断言,遏制政策正在失败。

    The people arguing for an attack on Iran allege that containment is failing .

  7. 马歇尔计划与遏制政策

    The Marshall Plan and the Containment Policy

  8. 假如他们注意遏制政策,我相信他们能够赢得历史性的胜利。

    If they saw to containment , I was convinced that it would win its historical bet .

  9. 布什政府很可能继续坚持并强化对伊朗实施经济制裁和政治孤立的遏制政策,联合欧盟、国际原子能机构和国际社会共同迫使伊朗放弃核与导弹发展计划。

    The United States will continue to pursue a policy of containment through economic sanction and political isolation .

  10. 方法:全面分析药品费用过快上涨的原因和遏制政策。

    METHODS : Reasons of the rapid rise of drug expenditure and its countermeasure were analyzed in detail .

  11. 第五章、古巴导弹危机及美国对古巴遏制政策的形成。

    Chapter Five : the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Formation of the Containment Policy of America towards Cuba .

  12. 通过对古巴的完全禁运和集体制裁,最终形成了对古巴的遏制政策。

    Through the collective embargo and " the complete sanction ," finally , the U.S. formed the containment policy toward Cuba .

  13. 城市遏制政策的支持者认为,英伦小岛的乡村有被混凝土覆盖的危险。

    Supporters of the policy of urban containment argue that this is a small island whose countryside risks being concreted over .

  14. 在不同的历史阶段,美国政府所奉行的对华政策或是接触政策或是遏制政策;

    In different stages of history , America 's policy to China is either policy of contiguity or policy of containment .

  15. 并对美国当前能否对中国实施遏制政策发表了自己的见解。

    In addition , the author puts forward his own opinion on whether the containment policy toward China is possible at present .

  16. 唐纳也对美中关系发表评论。他说,澳大利亚从不担心华盛顿对北京采取遏制政策。

    Downer also commented on China-U.S. relations , saying Australia has never been concerned that Washington is pursuing a policy of containment toward Beijing .

  17. 这一时期美国对捷政策体现了它的全球扩张战略,美国在1945-1948年期间对捷克斯洛伐克的遏制政策就是为这一战略服务的。

    During this period the policy of the United States reflects its global expansion strategy . The containment policy of Czechoslovakia services this strategy .

  18. 冷战开始之后,以美国为首的西方国家对苏联和中国等社会主义国家实行了一系列的遏制政策。

    Western countries headed by America carry out the policy of containment to socialist countries including Soviet Union and China since the Cold War .

  19. 布什政府采取的是一种被称之为半岛问题内部化的政策,克林顿政府采取的是接触遏制政策,小布什政府则采取了对抗遏制政策。

    Adopted a policy of so-called " internalization of the Korean peninsula issues ", by Clinton , " engagement and confrontation ", and by Bush Jr.

  20. 第二,地区性多边组织的接触性遏制政策将严重损害中国的国家安全。

    Secondly , the policy of " constrained engagement ", which adopted and advocated by regional multilateral organizations , will impact the security of China .

  21. 布什执政期间,遏制政策占据主导地位,并指出政策的比较和不同也就是本文的重点意义所在。

    The bush presidency , dominates the containment policy , and points out the comparison and different policy is also this paper focuses on its meaning .

  22. 那么,这就是英国从裁军转换到重整军备的故事,临时的遏制政策也存在于两者中。

    This , then , is the story of Britain 's shift from disarmament to rearmament and the interim policy of deterrence which came in between .

  23. 第二部分,冷战初期美国的对阿政策,主要考察了杜鲁门政府的对阿政策。随着冷战的爆发,美国对苏实施遏制政策。

    The second part is to research the American policies , especially the Truman government 's policy , to Afghan in the early period of the cold war .

  24. 希腊城邦争霸战期间,波斯并未退出希腊世界的舞台,而是更为隐蔽和有效地推行遏制政策。

    In the period of wars between ancient Greek states Persia pushed their limit policy more snugly and more efficiently instead of retreating from the stage of the Greek World .

  25. 美国现在已经意识到中国与日俱增的影响力,并且希望在解决世界问题时得到中国的帮助,这和美国早先对华的遏制政策相比是一个很大的转变。

    The United States now recognizes China 's increasing impact and wishes to tackle global issues with the help of the Asian giant , a major shift from its earlier containment policy .

  26. 他策马向篱笆冲去。在布什政府的领导下,美国过去对伊朗和伊拉克奉行双重遏制政策,如今则在走向双重败北。

    He set his horse to run at the fence . Under the Bush administration , America has gone from a policy of dual containment of Iran and Iraq to one approaching dual failure .

  27. 肯尼迪政府延续艾森豪威尔政府时期的对古巴政策,加强了对古巴政治、经济、军事等各方面的控制,初步形成了对古巴遏制政策。

    This government continued the policy laid down in the Eisenhower government , strengthened the control of Cuba in politics , economy , military , etc , and initially formed the containment policy towards Cuba .

  28. 盖帝斯研究这段历史之后,批评凯南没有看到这也是盖帝斯一家之言里根总统巧妙应用了凯南的“遏制政策”,使得“遏制政策”取得了最后的胜利。

    He closes his study by condemning Kennan for having " blinded " himself to the fact that , in Mr Gaddis 's opinion , Reagan brought Kennan 's " strategy to its successful conclusion " .

  29. 首先,美国,尤其是布什政府的对朝强硬遏制政策是导致危机爆发的根源:其次,朝鲜的核边缘政策是危机爆发的直接导火线;

    First of all , America 's diplomacy , especially Bush administration 's offensive containment policy should be responsible for the crisis mostly . Secondly , DPRK 's nuclear borderline policy also attributes to the outbreak of it .

  30. 对中国变得更加咄咄逼人的可能性进行防范并无不妥,但采取遏制政策则是草率的,这么做可能实际上会促成一种敌对关系,对任何人而言都没有好处。

    Hedging against the possibility of a more aggressive China is fine , but adopting a policy of containment would be premature and could actually help to create an adversarial relationship that would serve the interests of no one .