
  • 网络Moral needs;moral imperative
  1. 其他亿万富翁或许几乎把行善当作自身社会地位的一种标志,但对盖茨来说,这是一种道德需要。

    Other ­ billionaires may take to philanthropy almost as a mark of their social status but , for Gates , it has the force of a moral imperative .

  2. 首先,对大学生道德人格构建的目标体系进行了划分:提升大学生道德需要的层次;促进大学生道德人格心理的完善和发展;养成大学生良好的道德行为习惯。

    The objectives of Construction of Moral Personality which is divided into moral imperative to enhance the level of university students , the promotion in improvement of Moral Personality Psychology and development , developing students good moral behavior .

  3. 论生态道德需要的逻辑起点&生态经济人理性

    Logical Starting Point of Ecological Moral Demand & Ecological Economic Man Rationality

  4. 论道德需要的逻辑起点&道德经济人理性

    The Logic Starting Point of Moral Need & Rationality of Moral-Economic Person

  5. 论道德需要培养的条件

    On conditions of the cultivation of the moral need Moral Capital Theory

  6. 道德需要:传统德育转型的突破口

    Inner Moral Requirement & A Breakthrough Point in Moral Education

  7. 论高校学生道德需要的培养途径

    On Training Ways of the Moral Needs of College Students

  8. 道德需要是以德治国的理论依据之一。

    Moral needs are one of the theoretical bases of morality administration .

  9. 引导学生的道德需要;

    Giving guidance to the students as to moral needs ;

  10. 大学生道德需要激发途径初探

    Exploration of stimulation channels for college students ' moral demand

  11. 制定适宜的目标,激活个体道德需要;

    Suitable goals should be made so as to activate individual moral needs ;

  12. 论道德需要的结构和功能

    On the structure and functions of moral - need

  13. 论主体自我道德需要的价值及其激励

    On the Value and Encouragement of the Subject of Self a loral Needs

  14. 从道德需要谈师范生的德育

    Ways to Structure Moral Need of Normal School students

  15. 这就决定了道德需要乃是人的一种最本质的需要之一。

    Therefore , the moral need becomes one of the most essential ones .

  16. 道德需要:德育的逻辑起点与策略理路

    Moral Needs : The Logical Starting Point of Moral Education and Its Tactics

  17. 论个体道德需要发生的必然性和机制

    On the inevitability and organization of individual moral-need

  18. 大学生道德需要的激发途径有:(一)改善认知法。

    Stimulation channels for college students ' moral demand include : 1.cognitive perfection method ;

  19. 论人类道德需要发生的心理动因

    On Psychological Grounds of Occurrence of Moral Needs

  20. 二是激发积极的道德需要;

    Second , to stimulate active moral needs ;

  21. 道德需要及其在道德教育中的运用

    A Study of the Requirements of Morality and the Applications in the Education of Morality

  22. 论个体道德需要的生成

    On the formation of individual moral requirement

  23. 这二者紧密联系,不可分割,有机统一在道德需要之中。

    These two aspects are closely related , inseparable and unified in the moral need .

  24. 大学生道德需要培养刍议

    On Cultivating University Students ' moral need

  25. 论道德需要的含义及其本质

    The implication and nature of moral need

  26. 道德需要是德育的一种前提性承诺,是德育何以可能的基础。

    Morality demand is a kind of precondition promises and the foundation of moral education .

  27. 论道德需要与道德教育

    On Moral Necessity and Moral Education

  28. 道德需要与制度公正

    Individual moral need and fair system

  29. 个体道德需要问题探微

    A Probe into Individual Moral Need

  30. 其一,中国五千年的灿烂文化与优秀的思想道德需要大学生对传统诚信道德思想继承和发扬。

    First , college students should carry on and forward the splendid civilization and virtues of China .