
  1. 建筑遗产评估的一次探索

    A Exploration for Making the Architecture Heritage Evaluation

  2. 对保护规划中的价值评估方法学展开论述,说明其步骤程序和相关工具,着重介绍了我国遗产评估工作较不熟悉的人类学民族志方法。

    To discuss the procedure and tools for evaluation in heritage conservation and introduce the corresponding anthropology-ethnographic methods .

  3. 目的了解北京市居民体育锻炼的现状,为2008年奥运会健康遗产评估项目提供基线资料。

    Objective To provide baseline data on current status of physical activities among residents in Beijing for " Project of 2008 Olympic Health Legacy assessment " .

  4. 2010年上海世博会健康遗产评估指标体系的构建思考规模化鸡场健康鸡群产气荚膜梭菌的分离、鉴定及遗传多样性研究

    Study on the Systematic Health Indicators Structure for Expo 2010 Shanghai China Isolation , Identification and Genetic Diversity of Clostridium Perfringens of Healthy Broiler Chickens from Commercial Farms

  5. 北京奥运会遗产的评估、开发与保护研究

    Research Beijing Olympic Games Inheritance Appraisal , Development and Protection

  6. 非物质文化遗产与民俗评估

    Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage and Folk Custom Assessment

  7. 科学的工业遗产旅游价值评估是搞好工业遗产旅游开发的基础。

    Assessment of the tourism value of industrial heritage is the basis of making development strategy of industrial heritage tourism .

  8. 通过对西安近代建筑遗产的价值评估全面发掘西安近代建筑所具有的独特的历史价值、精神情感价值、艺术价值、科学价值、实用价值和环境价值。

    Through evaluating Xi ' an modern architectural heritage , its unique historical value , emotional value , artistic value , scientific value , function value and environmental value can be excavated and exhibited comprehensively .

  9. 市场吸引力&承载力矩阵模型被采纳对遗产旅游资源进行评估。

    Market appeal & carrying capacity matrix is adopted here to assess heritage assets .

  10. 非物质文化遗产旅游开发潜力评估指标体系的构建

    Construction of the Evaluation Index System of the Tourism Exploitation Potential of Intangible Cultural Heritage

  11. 最后从立法目的、立法原则、工业遗产的分类管理制度、工业遗产的评估体系、核定体系以及工业遗产的保护主体等方面提出了工业遗产保护法律的一些立法建议。

    Finally , legislative suggestions of legal protection are raised , from purpose and principles of legislation , classification management system and evaluation system , verification system of industrial heritage and main body of industrial heritage protection aspects .

  12. 并籍此提出应提高前期研究工作,以及价值评估在我国建筑遗产保护过程中的比重。同时,文章就建筑遗产的评估标准、及管理机制等诸多问题提出了探索性建议。

    Furthermore , The paper propose increasing proportion of the value assessment and the research in the current architectural heritage conservation , and it makes advanced suggestion about some problems such as the evaluation criteria and the management mechanisms .