
yí chuán fù zhì
  • genetic replication
  1. 它所做的一切就源自最初的病毒将其遗传指令复制到一个精子或一个卵子的DNA中。

    All it takes is for the original virus to have copied its instructions into the DNA of a sperm or an egg cell .

  2. 该研究对于寻找新的DNA结合蛋白,研究生物体中遗传信息的复制、转录、修复和重组的分子生物学机制具有重要意义。

    This research will facilitate to find new DNA-binding protein , and it is important to reveal the molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and transcription and DNA repair and recombination .

  3. 针对这种状况,本文提出了基于遗传算法的复制组播服务器选择算法GA-RMSS(GeneticAlgorithmbasedReplicatedMulticastServerSelection)。

    This paper presents a new approach using genetic algorithm GA-RMSS ( Genetic Algorithm based Replicated Multicast Server Selection ) to handle replicated multicast server selection .

  4. 设计方法为应用遗传算法的复制、交换、变异过程代替BP网络的反向传播过程,并对遗传算法进行改进研究。

    Its design method is to substitute the copy , interchange and variation processes of the generic algorithm for the reverse propagation process of the BP network , and improvement of the generic algorithm is also studied .

  5. 细胞周期中最为重要的事件是那些涉及遗传物质的复制和分配的过程,即染色质DNA的复制与有丝分裂期姐妹染色体的分离。

    The most important events of the cell cycle are those concerned with the duplicating and partitioning of the hereditary materials . In other words , that is replicating the genomic DNA during S phase and separating the replicated genomes into two daughter cells during mitosis .

  6. 细胞周期中最为重要的事件就是涉及遗传物质的复制并均匀地分配到两个子细胞中去。

    Cell cycle is the universal process by which cells reproduce .

  7. 遗传算法在复制组播服务器选择中的应用研究

    A Selection Technique for Replicated Multicast Server Using Genetic Algorithm

  8. 该算法利用了种群熵和基因座多样性来测试种群的多样性,并在遗传算法的复制操作过程中调整适应度值以提高种群的多样性。

    The algorithm used the population entropy and the locus diversity to test the population diversity , and adjusted the fitness values to improve the diversity of population in the process of copying operation .

  9. 演化经济学为我们分析制度演化提供了新的视角,演化经济学关于制度的演化机制主要有遗传机制(复制机制)、变异机制(新奇创生机制)、选择机制和适应性学习机制等。

    Evolutionary economics provides a new perspective to analyze institutional evolution . The evolutionary mechanisms of institutions in evolutionary economics mainly include : genetic mechanism ( replication mechanism ), mutation mechanism ( originally generative mechanism ), selection mechanism and adaptive learning mechanism , etc.

  10. 分子马达在生命活动中起着十分重要的作用,它们在肌肉收缩、细胞内部输运、遗传物质DNA的复制及细胞的有丝分裂过程中执行着各种各样的功能。

    Molecular motors in biological cells play important role , which carry out various life functions in the process of muscle contraction , intracellular transport , DNA duplication , mitosis , and so on .

  11. 他说,端粒的工作是很重要的理解遗传物质如何被复制和保存。

    He says the work of telomeres is important to the understanding of how genetic material is copied and saved .

  12. 它仿照生物进化和遗传规律,利用复制、杂交、变异等操作,使优胜者生存繁殖,劣败者淘汰消亡,一代一代地重复操作,最终找出最优解。

    From generation to generation , by modeling the evolutionary and hereditary law , using the methods of reproduction , hybridization and variation etc , it makes the fittest to survive , and finally gets the best solution .