
yí wàng
  • forget;amnesia;miss;lethe
遗忘 [yí wàng]
  • [miss;forget] 忘记,忘却

遗忘[yí wàng]
  1. 他永远都无法将它遗忘,而且我认为他也不应该忘记。

    He 's never going to be able to forget it . And I don 't think he should

  2. 但是,现在的研究开始更多地关注我们在什么情况下会遗忘。其重要性也开始受到人们越来越多的认可。

    But current studies are beginning to place greater emphasis on the conditions under which we forget , as its importance begins to be more appreciated .

  3. 这一新的发现有助于遗忘症患者保持记忆。

    This new discovery helps amnesiacs keep their memory .

  4. 尽管这种思想可能已无人相信,但还远没被人遗忘。

    Though the idea may be dead , it is far from being buried .

  5. 你可按你的保险索赔你遗忘在火车上的大衣。

    You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train .

  6. 有一类人似乎被遗忘了,就是那些领养老金的人。

    One group of people seems to be forgotten , namely pensioners

  7. 如果你的下一张唱片出点问题,你就被遗忘了。

    If your next record 's a bit iffy , you 're forgotten

  8. 她认为自己是被长老选中来揭示被人们遗忘的智慧的。

    She believed that she had been selected by the Master to reveal forgotten wisdom .

  9. 他几乎已被人遗忘。

    He has been all but forgotten .

  10. 在一片混乱中,主要的问题很有可能会被遗忘。

    In all the confusion , there 's a serious risk that the main issues will be forgotten .

  11. 可她却仍然不动弹,犹如一只蜷缩的,被人遗忘的动物。

    Still she was motionless , like a curled up , oblivious creature .

  12. 他患了遗忘症。

    He is suffering from loss of memory .

  13. “当她似乎被人遗忘时,这有点令人震惊,”埃瑟里奇博士说道。

    " It was kind of stunning when she sort of dropped off into oblivion , " said Dr. Etheridge .

  14. 在日常生活中,遗忘实际上有着鲜明的优点。

    In daily life , forgetting actually has clear advantages .

  15. 先前的行为学研究已经表明,学习新的知识可以导致遗忘。

    Previous behavioural studies have shown that learning new information can lead to forgetting .

  16. 正常的遗忘甚至是一种可以确保避免大脑过度饱和的安全机制。

    Normal forgetting may even be a safety mechanism to ensure our brain doesn 't become too full .

  17. 你是在积极地维持现状,选择性地遗忘过去,还是大胆地创造未来呢?

    Are you actively preserving the present , or selectively forgetting the past , or boldly creating the future ?

  18. 从这方面来看,遗忘是我们大脑整理记忆的一种方式,所以我们可以检索到最相关的记忆。

    In a sense , forgetting is our brain 's way of sorting memories , so the most relevant memories are ready for retrieval .

  19. 我们正在重新认识杜威和蒙台梭利,以及他们开创的那些被遗忘或被搁置边的实践。

    We are rediscovering Dewey and Montessori and a lot of the practices that they pioneered that have been forgotten or at least put aside .

  20. 文明是通过遗忘曾经必不可少的生活技能而发展起来的。

    Civilizations develop through forgetting life skills that were once necessary .

  21. 我们能承担怎样的遗忘?

    How Much Can We Afford to Forget ?

  22. 只要旧形式的知识储存在我们网络的某个地方,并且在我们需要的时候可以被发现,那么也许它们就并没有真正被遗忘。

    As long as the older forms of knowledge are stored somewhere in our networks , and can be found when we need them , perhaps they 're not really forgotten .

  23. 作者的名字早已随着时间的流逝被人遗忘。

    The author 's name is lost in the sands of time .

  24. 推广的遗忘因子递推最小二乘算法在GPS中的应用

    Application of the Extented Forgetting Factor Recursive Least Squares Estimator to GPS

  25. 遗忘神经网络模型及其BP算法

    Forgetting Artificial Neural Network and Its BP Algorithm

  26. 遗忘因子法参数辨识及其在Matlab中仿真实现

    Fvrls Parameter Identification and Emulate Based on Matlab

  27. 全部7例短暂性全面遗忘症患者头颅CT检查均未见明显异常,脑电图检查均未见明显异常波形。

    No obvious abnormality was found in CT , EEG and MMSE of the 7 patients with transient global amnesia .

  28. 为加快神经网络的学习速度,本文采用改进的BP算法,引入平滑系数和遗忘系数。

    In order to improve the learning speed of ANN , a revised BP algorithm is adopted by using smooth coefficient and forgetting coefficient .

  29. 在此之前,欧盟裁定的“被遗忘权”(righttobeforgotten)让谷歌背上了一项艰巨的任务:如果有人要求删除搜索结果,谷歌需要照做。

    Before that , the EU 's " right to be forgotten " left Google with the onerous task of removing search results if someone requested it .

  30. 与这些数据库系统相比,ApacheDerby数据库就像是被遗忘的后娘生的孩子一样。

    Compared to these database systems , the Apache Derby database may seem like the forgotten stepchild .