
qiǎn fǎn
  • repatriate
遣返 [qiǎn fǎn]
  • [repatriate] 交战国将其所掳获的战俘送返他们的本国

  • 遣返战俘

遣返[qiǎn fǎn]
  1. 遣返真正的难民回国并非政府的政策。

    It was not the policy of the government to repatriate genuine refugees

  2. 甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。

    Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to guangzhou .

  3. 马来西亚想遣返那些被归为经济移民的难民。

    Malaysia wants to send back refugees classed as economic migrants .

  4. 他们准备每日遣返100名战俘以示友好。

    They are prepared to hand back a hundred prisoners of war a day as a sign of good will

  5. 政府认为自愿遣返计划的遣返方法较为可取

    The Volrep programme is the preferred means of repatriation .

  6. 六岁的古巴海难幸存儿童埃利安非常幸运,美国移民局官员已将原本要遣返他的时间再次拖延

    US immigration officials have again delayed moves start repatriating six-year-old Cuban shipwreck survivor Elian Gonzalez .

  7. 六)洽办货物理赔,船舶海事处理,办理船员遣返,就医,旅游等

    Arrange the cargo claiming and maritime affairs , crews repatriation , medical treatment , traveling so on . (

  8. 8.repatriatev.遣返这可怜的孩子可能会被送回意大利。

    The poor lad would be repatriated to Italy .

  9. 在白宫网站的WethePeople请愿页面,民众要求遣返他回加拿大。请愿书生效的当天也就是1月23日,比伯又在迈阿密被捕,罪名是酒驾、拒捕和无证驾驶。

    The We the People petition calling for his return to Canada was created on January 23 , the same day Bieber was arrested in Miami on charges of driving under the influence , resisting arrest and driving with an expired license .

  10. 罗先生毕业于亨特学院(HunterCollege),是2012年推出的“童年入境暂缓遣返程序”(DeferredActionforChildhoodArrivals)的受益者。该项目保护幼年时期由父母带来美国的某些没有证件的移民;

    Mr. Na , a graduate of Hunter College , was a beneficiary of the 2012 program Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals , which protected certain undocumented children who were brought to the United States by their parents ;

  11. 遣返的决定,Baird先生说,是由法官独立作出的,“我们不想也不能干预。”

    The decision to do so , says Mr Baird , was takenfreely by an independent judiciary " and we wouldn 't and couldn 't intervene . "

  12. 去年十一月,大家也曾呼吁伊万卡清除“梦想法案”,保护移民儿童,允许他们在童年抵美者暂缓遣返计划(DACA)的保护下留在美国。

    Last November , they called on her to support the clean DREAM Act to protect immigrant children who are allowed to remain in this country under DACA .

  13. StephenHarper政府态度转变加拿大外交部长JohnBaird,坚持认为加拿大政府对赖昌星的遣返背后没有政治操控。作为发生在九十年代的这场显然得到官方默许的数十亿美金走私大案的参与者,赖昌星7月23号一到北京就立即被捕。

    JOHNBAIRD , Canada 's foreign minister , insists there wasno hidden political hand behind his government 's deportation on July 23rd ofLai Changxing to Beijing , where he was promptly arrested on charges relating toa multi-billion dollar smuggling ring which acted there with apparent officialconnivance in the 1990s .

  14. 青少年非法移民暂缓遣返项目(简称为DACA)允许特定的年轻非法移民避免被驱逐,并获得在美国工作两年的权利。

    The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program , also known as a DACA , allows certain young unauthorized immigrants to avoid deportation and gain the right to work for two years .

  15. 日本使馆官员YoshikatsuAoyagi说,之前被遣返的人中有一个男性深信自己是法国太阳王路易十四、一位女性认为有人用微波袭击她。

    Previous cases include a man convinced ( 6 ) he was the French " Sun King ", Louis XIV , and a woman who believed she was being attacked with microwaves , Japanese embassy official Yoshikatsu Aoyagi said .

  16. 遣返柬埔寨难民和流离失所者信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Repatriation of Cambodian Refugees and Displaced Persons

  17. 遣返费用应由船东负担。

    The cost of repatriation shall be borne by the shipowner .

  18. 不该把整个群体作为遣返目标。

    It should not be targeting a group as a whole .

  19. 福州空港口岸偷渡遣返人员梅毒监测结果分析

    Analysis on Syphilis Serology among the Repatriated Stowaways at Fuzhou Airport

  20. 专员署在一九九七年五月宣布参与自愿遣返计划的最后限期。

    The UNHCR announced in may1997a final deadline for joining volrep .

  21. 马罗尼表示,在过去的两年,共有42000名移民被遣返。

    Maroni said 42000 immigrants were d in the past two years .

  22. 合理期望,法庭裁决,遣返他们。

    Despite reasonable expectations the courts have decided to send them back .

  23. 根据法律规定,儿童不得被单独遣返。

    By law , children cannot be sent back alone .

  24. 据日本媒体周四报道,这些活动人士可能会被遣返。

    Japanese media reported Thursday that the activists would likely be deported .

  25. 解放时,被遣返的战俘只拥有最低数量的个人用品。

    On liberation prisoners being repatriated carried the minimum in personal belongings .

  26. 英国每8分钟就遣返一名非法移民。

    The UK deports an illegal immigrant every eight minutes .

  27. 我的部门决定你是否要被遣返。

    My department is the one thing standing between you and deportation .

  28. 难民们已被遣返原国。

    The refugees have been deported back to the country they came from .

  29. 1971年12月孟加拉国成立后开始执行大规模遣返计划。

    A massive repatriation programme started when Bangladesh was created in December 1971 .

  30. 关于遣返、安置和重返社会的专题协商

    Thematic Consultation on Repatriation , Reinstallation and Social Reintegration