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  • 网络Imperial embassies to China;envoy to Sui;Japanese missions to Sui China
  1. 日本遣隋使来华目的及年次探讨

    The study on the Purpose and Yearly Frequency of Japanese " Envoys to Shui Dynasty " Visiting China

  2. 特别是随着遣隋使、遣唐使的派遣,政治文化间的交流更加地频繁。

    Especially with the Sui , Tang Dynasty of the dispatch , political , cultural exchange is more to frequent .

  3. 文章从日本遣隋使来华目的、遣使概况和遣隋使在中日文化交流中的地位与作用等方面进行了较为全面的论述。

    The article gave a comprehensive exploration about the aim and general situation of the Japanese envoy to China in Sui Dynasty , and revealing its role and affect in Chinese-Japanese cultural exchange .