
  • 网络mail rule
  1. 邮件规则允许用户选择黑名单。

    Mail Rules allowed users to select blacklists .

  2. 使用该列表来填充(对其执行邮件规则的)视图的下拉组合框。

    You use this list to populate the drop-down combo box for the view against which your mail rules execute .

  3. 用户单击RunMailRules按钮时,将出现一个对话框,其中选中了所有已启用的邮件规则;然后将出现一个组合框,可以选择要运行的视图或文件夹。

    When the user clicks the Run Mail Rules button , a dialog box appears with all enabled mail rules selected , and then a combo box appears in which you can select the view or folder to run against .

  4. 包含定义和查看邮件规则的命令。

    Contains commands for defining and viewing rules for messages .

  5. 无法获得您的电子邮件信息。换用颜色邮件规则试试。

    Unable to obtain your e-mail address information . Try using the ' Color messages ' rule instead .

  6. 显而易见,能够对该工具进行扩展,以便在完成邮件规则操作之后刷新当前屏幕。

    You have an obvious opportunity to extend this tool to refresh the current screen when the mail rule operation is complete .

  7. 基于所选邮件创建规则。

    Create a rule based on the selected message .

  8. 创建新闻邮件的规则。

    Create rules for news messages .

  9. 您可以根据第一次创建通知时接收到的确认邮件创建规则。

    You can create the rule from the confirmation message you receive when you first create the alert .

  10. 论文以移动邮件的收发规则为基础,以WebMail服务器为后台中心,从邮件账号的设置、邮件收发、好友地址保存出发,分模块实现了整个系统。

    Based on the regulation of mobile E-mail , This paper is on the center of background Web mail server , and it implements the whole system by module from setting of E-mail account , sending and receiving of E-mail , keeping of friend addresses .

  11. 立即对已在<0s30>中的邮件运行此规则。

    Run this rule now on messages already in folder < 0s # 30 > .

  12. 其次,根据论文的设计目标,结合邮件的收发规则,给出了系统总体设计方案、系统流程,并探讨了系统实现需要的关键技术以及需要解决的问题。

    Secondly , due to the aim of system designing , it gives the general blue print , system flow , process of designing and implementing , the key technologies it has used .

  13. 应创建新的菜单选项,它在LotusNotes邮件视图中显示为在本地运行邮件规则的操作(图标)。

    We want to create a new menu option that shows in the Lotus Notes mail views as an action ( icon ) that runs the mail rules locally .

  14. 路由邮件时,会按照一组邮件路由规则将邮件从发件人移至收件人。

    When a message is routed , it moves from sender to recipient according to a set of message routing rules .

  15. 新的组件包括所有默认服务器任务、邮件日志、事务日志记录、LotusDominoDomainMonitoring(DDM)探测、邮件规则和更大的邮件文件。

    The new components consist of all default server tasks , mail journaling , transaction logging , Lotus Domino Domain Monitoring ( DDM ) probes , mail rules , and larger mail files .