
yóu zhènɡ fǎ
  • postal law;law of post
  1. 随着时代发展,《邮政法》的修改势在必行。

    With the development of the times , the Postal Law must be amended .

  2. 《邮政法》第八稿引快递业集体喊痛

    The 8th draft of Postal Law bring the express industry to shriek with pain

  3. 民营快递命悬新邮政法

    Fatal attack on private express with the new post law

  4. 单纯适用《邮政法》或者《合同法》对邮件损失进行判赔都是不正确的。

    Simply apply the postal law or contract law of compensation determine is not correct .

  5. 《邮政法》规定,中国邮政是全民所有制经营邮政业务的公用企业。

    According to Post Law , China Post is a national public enterprise operating postal services .

  6. 这显然与《邮政法》规定的邮政企业应承担的义务相违背。

    This view is clearly against the Postal Law provisions of the obligations of postal enterprises contrary .

  7. 由于起步晚,又一直囿于《邮政法》的限制,其现状不容乐观。

    Because of their late start , and has been under the postal law limits , the situation is not optimistic .

  8. 邮政法对邮政企业发行报纸、期刊另有规定的,从其规定。

    Where there are provisions provided by the postal law on postal enterprises'distribution of newspapers and periodicals , such provisions shall prevail .

  9. 二十多年来,邮政法对保护通信自由和通信秘密,保障邮政工作正常进行,发挥了重要作用。

    For more than 20 years , postal communication to protect the freedom and privacy and security postal work , and play an important role .

  10. 新《邮政法》以法律形式第一次确定了邮政普遍服务的概念,明确了建立完善普遍服务机制的重要性。

    New " Postal Law " clearly proposed the concept of postal universal service with legal form and the importance of establish universal service mechanism firstly .

  11. 随着国内各项改革的深化及法制环境的变化,《邮政法》的修改问题日益受到社会各界的关注。

    With the further reforms and the environment change of the legal system , the modification of the postal law is increasingly arousing the concern of all circles .

  12. 那么随着新修订《邮政法》的深入实施,快递业面临的法律、政策、市场环境将发生深刻变化。

    Following the further enforcement of the new Postal Law , the laws , policies , market environment , which the express industry is encountered with , are undergoing profound changes .

  13. 《邮政法》的相关条款规定,一旦因工作失误造成邮件被冒领,邮政企业至少要向消费者进行等额赔偿。

    Relevant provision of Postal Law stipulates that , once the message is caused due to errors in the work impersonator , postal services at least have to pay the consumers equal compensation .

  14. 就邮政法的效力与适用、普遍服务与补偿机制、邮政专营与垄断等问题进行深入分析,并提出自己的观点和一些建议。

    This paper makes a penetrating analysis on the effect and application of the postal law , universal service and the mechanism of compensation , postal exclusive rights and monopoly etc. It expresses the author 's own point of view and puts forward some proposals .

  15. 随着新《邮政法》的实施,国家将对快递市场进行规范,国家提倡把兼并重组作为快递行业应对国外竞争的重要举措,进入快递行业门槛有望抬高。

    The implementation of the new postal law shows that the market standard will be raised . The state advocates the M & A as express profession respond to foreign competition is the important measure and entering the express profession threshold is expected to rise .

  16. 万国邮政联盟组织法第二附加议定书

    Second Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union

  17. 但是,随着市场经济体制的逐步确立和邮政体制改革的不断深入,《邮政法》已经明显不适应改革和发展以及社会经济生活的需要。为此,新《邮政法》修订十年,应运而生。

    But , as the market economy system progressively establish and postal system reform , the postal law has obviously does not adapt the reform and development of social economy and needs . Therefore , the new postal law amendment years arises at the historic moment .

  18. 同日,新的《邮政普遍服务》国家标准也与新修订的《邮政法》一起实施。

    Furthermore , the new Universal Postal Service national standard was enacted together with the newly-revised Postal Law on the very same date .

  19. 这也是非邮政企业的老总第一次直接与国务院法制办面对面讨论《邮政法》修改事宜。

    It is the first time for non - postal service enterprise 's managers to discuss the law with the State Council .

  20. 促进邮政企业不断提高普遍服务质量,分散风险,保障用户权益,从而巩固《邮政法》保障邮政普遍服务之根本。

    To promote universal postal enterprises improve service quality and dispersive risk , protect a user rights , so as to consolidate the postal law being the fundamental guarantee universal postal service .

  21. 邮政企业的服务损害赔偿责任问题是引发邮政合同争议的主要原因之一,也是我国《邮政法》修订后被社会各界所关注的一个重点。

    Postal service liability for damages is one of the main cause of postal contract disputes and also the key concern of the majority of users after the Postal Law revision .