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  1. 佛罗里达北部邻州种植了美国最甜的水果,所以乔治亚州叫做“桃树州”(PeachState)。

    Florida 's neighbor to the north grows some of the sweetest fruit in America . So Georgia is the Peach State .

  2. 2.endorsementn.支持,认可,背书,批注例句:Afterthe得到了本州的支持后,这个竞选者就到邻州游说去了。

    endorsement of his home state , the candidate campaign in the neighboring state .

  3. 毕竟,美国各州是无需救助债台高筑的邻州的。

    After all , US states are not expected to bail out indebted neighbours .

  4. 得到了本州的支持后,这个竞选者就到邻州游说去了。

    After the endorsement of his home state the candidate campaigned in the neighboring state .

  5. 总统布什已宣布大部分的德萨斯州和邻州路易斯安那州为重灾区。

    President Bush has already declared a federal disaster in large parts of Texas and neighboring Louisiana .

  6. 讨论和平条约的工作草案;他们需要与邻州就州际问题制定的工作协议。

    Discussed the working draft of a peace treaty ; they need working agreements with their neighbor states on interstate projects .

  7. 幸存者,包括老弱病残,已搬出该市两个主要的难民所,到邻州的接待中心,多数去了德克萨斯州。

    Stricken survivors , including the sick and the elderly , have been moved out of the two main refuges in the city and taken to reception centres in neighbouring states , many have gone to Texas .

  8. 事实上,人们相信他仍然藏身于他的出生地墨西哥锡那罗亚州的山区;或者邻州杜兰戈&据信他已经收买了那里的地方警察、市长和甚至该州州长。

    In fact , he is still believed to be hiding in the mountains of his native state , Sinaloa , or neighboring Durango , where he is reported to have local police officers , mayors and even the state governor on his payroll .

  9. 问:试举美国与墨西哥接邻的一个州。

    Name one state that borders Mexico .