
  1. 我是郑杰,我刚刚收到你的留言。

    It 's Zheng Jie here . I 've just got your message .

  2. 大约一周前,我在郑杰的一场音乐会之后见过他。

    I met Zheng Jie after one of his concerts about a week ago .

  3. 郑杰有一些有趣的计划。

    Zheng Jie has some interesting plans .

  4. 布雷恩:郑杰,我愿意资助你办音乐学校。

    MR B : Zheng Jie , I would like to support your music school .

  5. 布雷恩先生刚刚听过郑杰在音乐会上的钠琴演奏。他请求会见这位钢琴家。

    Mr Brain ( MR B ) has just heard Zheng Jie ( ZJ ) playing the piano in a concert . He has asked to be introduced to the pianist .

  6. 我成功了,郑杰。我下个月要在伦敦举办一次画懂。你一定要来看。我还欠你的钱呢。

    And I succeeded , Zheng Jie . I have an exhibition in London this coming month . You must come to see it . And I owe you some money .