
  • 网络Chung Mong-koo;ChungMong-koo
  1. 首尔高级法院宣布将郑梦九的3年徒刑缓期5年执行,理由是其对韩国经济做出过贡献,加之现代汽车在竞争激烈的全球汽车市场中面临巨大挑战。

    The Seoul High Court suspended the jail term for Chung Mong-koo for five years , citing his contribution to the national economy and the challenges that Hyundai faces in competitive global car markets .

  2. 郑梦九因受到挪用公款和违反信托责任指控,于今年4月被捕。

    He was arrested in April on charges of embezzlement and breach of trust .

  3. 但是,该法庭认定郑梦九犯有挪用公款和背信罪。

    However , the court upheld his convictions on the charges of embezzlement and breach of trust .

  4. 当郑梦九在1999年3月成为现代汽车公司总裁时,业内人士对他缺乏兴趣。

    When Chung Mong Koo became CEO of Hyundai Motor Co. in March , 1999 , the industry yawned .

  5. 法院发现,郑梦九非法挪用了约1亿美元的公司资金,并在证券发行期间给集团子公司造成了约2.24亿美元的损失。

    The court found Mr Chung guilty of embezzling about $ 100m of company funds and inflicting about $ 224m of damage on group affiliates during rights issues .