
  • 网络xuan
  1. 郑玄“客耕东莱”考

    On Zheng xuan 's " guests plowing up in donglai "

  2. 郑玄经学的特色及评价问题

    Characteristics and Evaluation of Zheng Xuan 's Jing Xue

  3. 其次,作为一位儒家学者,郑玄的思想又与道家存在着密不可分的联系。

    Secondly , as a Confucian , he developed an intimate relationship with Taoist school .

  4. 郑玄经学在中国传统的文化学术史上影响非常深远。

    Zheng Xuan 's Jinxue has exerted profound influences on traditional Chinese culture and academia .

  5. 郑玄《礼记注》随文释义的语境研究

    The context study of the text explanations in notes to the book of rites by Zheng Xuan

  6. 从郑玄、王肃的丧期之争看经典与社会的互动

    Interaction Between the Classics and the Society Drawing from the Difference of ZHENG Xuan and WANG Su

  7. 就丧期而言,有郑玄、王肃的二十七月、二十五月之争。

    With regard to the question of mourning term , there are two views from ZHENG Xuan and WANG Su .

  8. 论汉末经学的反复:以郑玄、王肃为例

    On the Reiteration of the Study of Classics in the Late Han Dynasty : Taking Zheng Xuan and Wang Su as Examples

  9. 《郑笺》是汉末经学大师郑玄的解诗专著。

    Zheng Jian is a monograph to illustrate the poems written by Zheng Xuan , a great master in Confucianism , in the end of Han Dynasty .

  10. 郑玄所作《毛诗传笺》是研究《诗经》的经典之作,其版本流传问题极为重要。

    The Annotation on Mao Heng 's Commtaries on The Book of Songs written by Zhen Xuan is popular with the world . It 's edition circulation has been paid much attention .

  11. 郑玄是汉代注释领域里成就最高、影响最大的一位学者,他把随文而释的注疏之学推向了极致。

    Zheng Xuan is in the Han Dynasty annotation domain the achievement is highest , affects a biggest scholar , he " According to article explanation " the explanatory notes and commentaries studied pushed to has been best .