
  1. 牟氏庄园是中国现存规模较大、保存又较完整的地主庄园,是山东传统民居的代表。

    The MU-SHI MANOR is the bigger and better one in China . It is the representative of traditional dwelling houses in Shandong .

  2. 栖霞牟氏庄园是中国北方规模最大、保存最完整、最具典型特徵的封建地主庄园;

    Qixia Mou 's Manor is the largest feudal lord manor in north China , with most complete storage and most typical characteristics ;

  3. 他采用封建地主庄园的模式,以帐房先生和庄头为管理人,经营和管理其拥有的庞大土地,并开始修建栖霞牟氏庄园。

    He chose the feudal manor management model using accountants and land masters to operate and manage his own huge land and began to construct .