
  • 网络Mou Zongsan;mou tsung-san;Mu Zongsan
  1. 三系论是现代新儒家重要代表人物牟宗三儒学思想的标志性成果。

    Theory on Three Schools is the important result of Mu Zongsan s Confucian thought .

  2. 本论文旨在探讨牟宗三先生《佛性与般若》一书中,对华严宗学所作的批判是否合理。

    This paper evaluates Mou Tsung-san 's Buddha Nature and Prajna , his criticism of the Hua-yen school .

  3. 第二章阐明了牟宗三对儒学为何是宗教问题的解答。

    The second chapter clarifies why Confucianism is a religion .

  4. 牟宗三对张载心论的诠释也是从批评开始的。

    Mou Zhang Zai heart of the interpretation of criticism from the beginning .

  5. 以牟宗三的逻辑哲学来判解逻辑可否被修正

    To Judge Whether Logic Can be Revised by Mou Zong-san 's Logic Philosophy

  6. 牟宗三超越存有论在理论上存在着根本性的困难。

    MOU Zong-san 's theory of beyond existence has its vital theoretical difficulty .

  7. 牟宗三是现代新儒家一个承先启后的人物,他从三个层面完成了对历史哲学的现代性建构。

    He finished on the philosophy of history from the three levels of modern construction .

  8. 中国现代形上学的建构存在着逻辑(知性)和生命两条进路,牟宗三的道德形上学是对熊十力生命进路的继承。

    There are two approaches in the construction of china modern metaphysics : logical and living .

  9. 中国现代形上学建构的反思&以牟宗三道德的形而上学为例

    Reflection On the Construction of China Modern Metaphysics & study on Mou Zongsan ' moral metaphysics

  10. 重建世界的人文精神&牟宗三儒家式的人文主义

    Reconstruction of World Humanism

  11. 牟宗三与康德有着相似的人生和迥异的性格,更有着斩不断,理还乱的学理相关性。

    Mou Tsung-san and Kant have similar life , different character , and even the close theoretical pertinence .

  12. 现代追求与传统情结&牟宗三对中国传统文化的解读

    The Pursuit of Modernity and The Feeling Knot of Tradition & MouZongSan 's Understanding on Chinese Traditional Culture

  13. 故康德最终只能成就道德底形上学或道德神学,而牟宗三则成就道德的形上学;

    Thereupon , Kant finally achieved Metaphysic of Morals or Moral theology while Mou Tsung-san achieved Moral Metaphysics .

  14. 牟宗三先生对佛教有着深刻的研究,其判教思想就来源于佛教。

    Mr. Mou has studied Buddhism deeply . His thought about " judgment to religion " is from Buddhism .

  15. 人虽有限而可无限&牟宗三对康德人是有限的理性存在命题的超越

    Men are Finite and Infinite & Mou Zongshan 's Surmounting of Kant 's Preposition of " Men are Finite and Rational Existence "

  16. 牟宗三的“圆教判释”,是“实践的智慧学”意义上的“哲学判教”。

    Mou 's " judgment of perfect doctrine " is a " philosophical judgment " in the meaning of the " practical wisdom doctrine " .

  17. 牟宗三超越存有论驳议&从先秦天论的发展轨迹看牟宗三超越存有论的缺陷

    Refutation of MOU Zong-san 's Theory of Beyond Existence & Viewing the Defects of the Theory in Terms of the Evolution of Heaven Theory of Pre-Qin Period

  18. 第一章主要讲述了牟宗三道德形上学的核心范畴智的直觉的内涵及牟宗三对智的直觉进行的实践论证与理论论证。

    The first chapter relates the connotation of Intellectual intuition which is the core category of his system , and the proof of theory and practice about it .

  19. 文中谈到阳明学的分化时的几个具有代表性的派别及人物和对现代新儒学中冯友兰和牟宗三的影响。

    Yangming learning about text differentiation at the time of a few representative figures and factions and the modern Neo-Confucianism in the impact of Feng and Mou Tsung-san .

  20. 以天论传统建构超越存有论是牟宗三儒学思想的一个重要特点。

    One of the important features of MOU Zong-san 's Confucian thoughts is that his thoughts have established the theory of beyond existence with the traditional Heaven Theory .

  21. 牟宗三对“太虚即气”的诠释不仅提出了重新理解张载哲学性质的必要,同时也启发我们寻找解读传统智慧的别种可能。

    Mou 's interpretation not only proposes the necessity of reinvestigate the character of Zhang Zai 's philosophy but also seek some different possibility to interpret traditional intelligence .

  22. 空的哲学:吉藏的三论宗儒学之为道德的宗教&析牟宗三对宗教问题的论述

    The Philosophy of Emptiness : The Three-Treatise School of Chi-tsang On the Polarities of Philosophy Again : Mou Zong-san 's Theory on Confucianism as a " Moral Religion "

  23. 牟宗三试图以中国之圆教理论证成康德之圆善论,他认为德与福在圣人处诡谲地相即就是圆善实现。

    Mou Zongsan tries to achieve Kant 's supreme good with Chinese perfect religion , and he thinks that virtue and happiness are tied in saint with strange way .

  24. 基于以上各章的分析,结语部分则试图从作为一个自由主义者的角度对牟宗三进行阐述,以回应绪论部分的预设。

    Based on the analysis above , we try to expound Mou as a libertarian in this part , so as to respond to the preset of the introduction part .

  25. 摘要将宋明儒学依据存有论划分为纵贯和横摄两个系统,是牟宗三儒学思想的一大特色。

    One of the features of Mou zongsan 's Confucianism is to divide Confucianism in song and Ming Dynastiy into two systems , i.e. , vertical and horizontal ones according to the theory of being .

  26. 本文尝试将牟宗三与康德哲学的关系问题从牟宗三整个宏大的哲学体系中剥离出来进行研究,以全面清晰地揭示这两位哲学家之间的异同。

    In order to illustrate the differences and similarities between Mou Tsung - san and Kant ' philosophy clearly and comprehensively , the thesis attempts to analyze these things through the gigantic system of Mou Tsung-san .

  27. 本章是全部论文中最重要也是最具有难度的部分,其中包含对于牟宗三该思想体系的理论架构、逻辑进程,以及思想进路的深入分析与研究。

    This chapter is the key part and the most difficult part of the whole thesis , which including an in-depth analysis and study of the theoretical frame , logic processing , and the route of this ideology .

  28. 牟宗三的易学研究为的是从易学中发见与解析中国哲学、中国思想,旨在抉发中国的玄学与道德哲学,而不是作一种历史的研究。

    Purpose for MU Zong-san to study I Ching learning was to discover and interpret Chinese philosophical thoughts in I Ching learning , aiming at digging out Chinese metaphysics and moral philosophy but not a study of I Ching learning history .