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mù píng
  • Muping
牟平[mù píng]
  1. 牟平港化工专用码头倾倒区海域环境现状及评价

    Evaluation on present state of enviroment of the dumping zone for Special Chemical Wharf in Muping

  2. 介绍了底吹熔池炼铜技术的特点、处理复杂金精矿的效果以及在越南、东营、牟平的应用情况。

    This paper describes the technical features of oxygen bottom-blown bath smelting of copper , the effect in refractory gold concentrates treating , and the application in Vietnam , Dongying , Muping .

  3. 牟平&乳山金矿带成矿物理化学环境及金的富集机制

    Ore-forming Physicochemical Environment and Enrichment Mechanism of the Muping-Rushan Gold Ore Belt

  4. 目的研究山东牟平&乳山(以下简称牟乳)金矿带构造控矿规律。

    Aim To research the structural ore-controlling rules in Mouru gold ore belt , Shandong .

  5. 牟平金矿深部矿体赋存规律及找矿预测

    The occurrence regularity of deep orebody of Mouping gold deposit and the prediction of ore-prospecting

  6. 中国山东牟平&青岛断裂带两侧岩体的位移

    Offset of rock bodies on the both sides of muping-qingdao fault zone in eastern shandong , china

  7. 牟平金矿的矿体为极薄至薄的急倾斜矿脉,且围岩不稳固。

    The orebodies of Mouping Gold Mine are steep extreme-thin to narrow veins with unstable country rock .

  8. 胶莱盆地是中生代走滑拉分盆地,其形成与发育受到沂沭断裂和五莲-即墨-牟平断裂的控制。

    Jiaolai Basin is a strike-slip and pull-apart basin controlled by the Yishu Fault Belt and Wulian-Jimo-Muping Fault .

  9. 英格庄金矿为胶东牟平-乳山成矿带上的一个中型金矿床。

    Yinggezhuang gold deposit is a medium sized gold deposit which located in Muping-Rushan mineralization belt of Jiaodong peninsula .

  10. 内容包括春、夏期间丁字湾沿岸与牟平沿岸海域幼体密度的季节变化;

    The contents of the research include the observations on the biological and ecological habits of the adult and larvae ;

  11. 通过对烟台市牟平区黄垒河多组监测数据的处理得到了模糊关系综合矩阵,对黄垒河水质进行了综合评价。

    Fuzzy relation synthetical matrix was got through the treatment of multi-group monitoring data of Yantai Mouping area Huanglei river , comprehensive evaluation was done on water quality of Huangleihe .

  12. 该文分析了海上长岛站与其相邻的龙口、蓬莱、烟台、牟平等沿海站气温的日变化差异与胶东半岛地区海陆风的关系。

    The influence of diurnal temperature variation on land sea breeze in peninsula region on the coast south of the Bohai bay was approached by using data collected at several observatories .

  13. 研究结果表明,牟平金矿Ⅰ2号和Ⅱ号矿体深部存在成矿的前景和找矿的潜力,并在此基础上,对Ⅰ2号和Ⅱ号矿体深部及两翼进行了隐伏金矿成矿预测。

    The researching result showed that the mineralization vista and ore prospecting potentialities existed in the deep of orebody ⅰ 2 and ⅱ, so the prediction of concealed orebody in these position was made .

  14. 烟台市牟平区通过环境功能区划、加强乡镇企业环境管理、调整优化经济结构,引导乡镇企业走经济高增长、环境低污染之路。

    By means of environmental function divisions , strengthening village and town run enterprises ' environmental management , adjusting economic structure , a town of Yantai guided the village and town run enterprises to go the way of high economic growth and low pollution .