
The public sector balance sheet is an important part of national balance sheets .
Provisional International Guidelines on the National and Sectoral Balance Sheet and Reconciliation Accounts of the System of National Accounts
We will never know whether a greater willingness to use the public sector balance sheet would have avoided that outcome .
A pervasive lack of confidence in our economy and our government is as serious a threat as a deterioration of the balance sheets of our financial sector .
The improvement might even start in 2015 , since long-term interest rates are low , private sector balance sheets are stronger and fiscal deficits are under control .
The OECD warned that there were significant risks to the recovery , including fragile financial markets , continuing household balance sheet deleveraging , sovereign debt problems and tensions in foreign exchange markets .
What is the case for persisting with lending ever more and , in the process , taking a larger proportion of the liabilities of the Greek government on to public sector balance sheets ?
So countries may find themselves with a difficult choice : is it better to maintain as strong a public balance sheet as possible in order to keep your country 's borrowing costs low ?
We call on central banks not to go out and raise interest rates tomorrow and governments to be clear on what is their strategy when they are ready to do it [ consolidate public sector balance sheets ] , he said .
Consolidated national balance sheet of each department of nation reflects the status of public risk .
At one meeting , Thain would insist that the trading desk lighten up the balance sheet .
We have four major operating sectors , each differing from the others in balance sheet and income account characteristics .
This occurs via mass bankruptcy , unless bad private debt is shifted on to the public sector 's balance sheet .
The aim is to have a slimmer and better-capitalised financial system and a healthier non-financial private-sector balance sheet , sooner rather than later .
We are seeing a race between the repair of private balance sheets and global rebalancing of demand , on the one hand , and the sustainability of stimulus , on the other .
But following fiscal rules blindly , while ignoring what is going on in the private sector or in external balances , is a recipe for disappointment and political conflict .
These numbers suggest the private sectors of all these countries are still strengthening their balance sheets instead of maximising profits .