
  • 网络tribal alliance;confederacy of tribes;tribal confederacy
  1. 部落联盟还是民族&对摩尔根和恩格斯有关论述的再思考

    Tribal Confederacy or Nation ? Rethinking Morgan and Engels

  2. 部落联盟模式的由来&易建平《部落联盟还是民族》一文引发的思考

    The Origin of Tribal Confederacy Mode : A Discussion with Yi Jianping About Tribal Confederacy or Nation

  3. 部落联盟从恺撒时代起就组成了;

    Confederacies of tribes had grown up since the time of Caesar ;

  4. 部落联盟模式与希腊罗马早期社会权力结构

    Pattern of Confederacy of Tribes and Early Greco Roman Societies

  5. 尧去世后,舜继承了部落联盟领袖的位置。

    After Yao died , Shun became head of the tribal confederation .

  6. 酋邦与专制政治部落联盟模式、酋邦模式与对外战争问题

    Tribe and Autocracy Early Regimes and External Wars

  7. 在“三皇五帝”中最具有代表性的部落联盟领袖是神农和黄帝。

    Shen Nong and Huang Di were the representatives of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors .

  8. 部落联盟至少是在个别情况下把亲属部落联合在一起。

    The related tribes , at least in some cases , are united in a confederacy .

  9. 可以通过与几个不同的部落联盟,来得到他们所有的科技和单位。

    There are several different tribes you can ally with , all with their own units and abilities .

  10. 当海湾各国形成之时,一些旧式部落联盟而非国界决定了公民权。

    When the Arab Gulf states were formed , some used tribal affiliation rather than borders to determine citizenship .

  11. 商代前期:部落联盟共主向方国联盟共主的过渡

    The Early Period of Shang Dynasty : Transition from Collective Master of the Union Tribes to the Regional States

  12. 奚人世家大族,亦多由部落联盟时代的显贵家族发展而来。

    The Hsi great families mostly also evolved from the celebrated and noble families of the tribe union times .

  13. 他超越了传统的五种生产方式说和部落联盟说两个理论模式,并对传统文化的核心群体本位论做了精到的解读。

    He broke away from the traditional theories of five productive modes and tribal federation , analyzed the theory of group standard .

  14. 部落联盟领袖的禅让制度:神农、黄帝时代数百年之后,是中国历史上的“禅让时代”。

    Abdication : Hundreds of years after Sheng Nong and Huang Di , it is the period of Abdication in Chinese history .

  15. 夏王朝的建立是本部落联盟内社会历史自然发展的结果,不可能在考古学文化上出现中断。

    The emergence of Xia Dynasty is the result of social development , so it 's impos-sible to observe any discontinuity in the archaeological cult-ure .

  16. 由于黄帝、炎帝在部落联盟时期的重要位置,其后人被称为“炎黄子孙”,他们也自称为“龙的传人”。

    Since Yandi and Huangdi played an important role in the tribal alliance period , the later generations were known as the descendants of them .

  17. 在早期父系氏族社会中,出现了一些杰出的部落联盟领袖,其中最著名是“三皇五帝”。

    At the early stage of it , some excellent chieftains appeared . Among them , the most distinguished ones are Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors .

  18. 东晋末年,在中国北方五胡十六国的战乱纷争中,一个草原上的游牧部落联盟鲜卑族拓跋部强势崛起,他们先是以内蒙古的盛乐为都城,建立代国。

    In the late East-jin Dynasty , in the wars and conflicts between sixteen kingdoms of five ethnic groups , called Xianbei Tuoba , rose abruptly with great strength .

  19. 各部落联盟之间的战争催化了部落之间的融合,最终形成了中原地区炎帝、黄帝两大部落联盟的统一,黄帝成为最高领袖。

    Wars urged the mixture and the assimilation of different tribes and eventually formed a tribal alliance of Huang Di and Yan Di ; Huang Di became the chief .

  20. 尧是传说时代的部落联盟首领,五帝之一,受到万民敬仰的华夏文明始祖。

    As one of " Five Emperors ", Yao was the leader of the tribal alliance in the Legendary Age and the ancestor of Huaxia civilization , who was revered by common people .

  21. 商代外服制是由原始社会晚期部落联盟制阶段各氏族、部落的自然分工与相互之间的协作发展而来的。

    Foreign Service System Of Shang Dynasty originated from the natural division of between class or trites labour and the cooperation of the in the stage of tribal league system in the late primitive society .

  22. 至于中国早期国家的产生,则是走的部落联盟酋长因其职务的独立化转变为社会主人这样一条路径。

    The emergence of the early states of China , thus , was due to the transformation of the chiefs of the tribal alliance into the " masters of the society " owing to the " independence " of their duties .

  23. 当时中原地区部落联盟领袖尧已年老,经过慎重考察,选择舜为继承人,四岳十二牧(部落领袖)同意,尧将部落联盟领袖职务传位给舜。

    At that time , Yao , the chief of the tribal alliance on the central plain , was old , and he selected Shun as his successor after a careful observation . With the consent of all chieftains , Shun was placed to the throne .

  24. 部落与联盟的玩家可不可以共同组队?

    Will Horde & Alliance players be able to group together ?

  25. 玩家可不可以更改阵营(部落到联盟)?

    Will players have the ability to change factions ( from Horde to Alliance )?

  26. 这个可能和由于西部大陆部落和联盟的停战有关。

    There might actually be something to the claims that the Horde and the Alliance are at truce in the west .

  27. 部落和联盟为了控制战略资源包围地方要塞,展开面对面的冲突。

    The Horde and Alliance will battle head-to-head for control of strategic resources to lay siege to the keeps of their opponents .

  28. 在第三次战争中,地精重新回到了中立的一方,同时为部落和联盟提供运输工具和机械。

    In the Third War , goblins returned to their roots of playing both sides , and supplied the Horde and Alliance with transportation and machinery .

  29. 热带森林土著部落人民国际联盟

    International Alliance of Indigenous Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests

  30. 在聚集了一批支持者后,他开始和重要的部落领袖结成联盟。

    After amassing an army of supporters , he began forging alliances with the heads of important tribes .