
shàn ràng
  • Abdication;abdicate and hand over the crown to another person;abdicate and hand over the crown to sb.
禅让 [shàn ràng]
  • [abdicate and hand over the crown to sb.] 中国古代历史上统治权转移的一种方式,皇帝把帝位让给他人

禅让[shàn ràng]
  1. 作为虞氏的世系,现在可考的有幕等十五个名号,而不止是尧舜禅让中的舜一代五十年,是古代史上实际存在很长时期的一个朝代,具有特殊的历史地位。

    In fact , this dynasty stood for many years and has a unique historical status .

  2. 赵匡胤接受了后周“禅让”的帝位,建立宋朝。

    Zhao Kuangyin , accepting the demised throne of the Latter Zhough , founded the Song Dynasty .

  3. 禅让与世袭是我国古代社会政权传承的主要形式。

    The abdication and Hereditary systems are the main ways of the dynastic alternation of Chinese ancient times .

  4. 帝位世袭是—种比“禅让”含有进步意义的新制度,但凡是一种新制度,总要遭到各种形式的阻碍。

    The hereditary monarchy is more advanced than Abdication , but as a new system it encountered various hindrances .

  5. 从此,中国历史上的“禅让时代”结束,王位世袭制开始。

    From then on , the period of Abdication came to an end , while the hereditary monarchy started .

  6. 这种职位禅让的做法乃是氏族公社选举制的传统,史称“禅让时代”。

    Abdication is the traditional election system in the time of tribal commune , historically called the Age of Abdication .

  7. 第四章为《容成氏》所见尧舜禹时期的禅让。

    The fourth chapter is " Seen the abdication theory of Yao and Shun yu period from " Rong chengshi "" .

  8. 部落联盟领袖的禅让制度:神农、黄帝时代数百年之后,是中国历史上的“禅让时代”。

    Abdication : Hundreds of years after Sheng Nong and Huang Di , it is the period of Abdication in Chinese history .

  9. 由上述史实看来,王位由禅让而得与起兵争夺而获都无甚关系。

    As far as history is concerned , it doesn 't matter whether the throne is obtained by demise or by the war .

  10. 孔子虽讲到尧舜禹禅让,但实际并未提倡实行禅让;

    Though Confucius talked about the demise of yao , Shun and yu , he didn 't advocate to carry it out actually .

  11. 这些均为大禹涂山之子启冲破天命(益)的禅让制而世袭王位,建立我国第一个奴隶制社会拉开了序幕。

    All these laid a solid base for his son Qi to inherit the throne and set up the first slavery society in China .

  12. 而禅让制的废除则应是中国早期国家及中原政治一体化进程步入新阶段的重要标志。

    The abolition of the abdication system is an important remark of Chinese early state and political integration in Central Plains stepping into a new stage .

  13. 表礼仪让德的释义的“让”与表政治行为之“禅”的结合,使我国古代社会的禅让政治成为一种礼让政治。

    The combination of Rang which is explained as a rite and Shan which is explained as dynasty alternation make the Shanrang politics to appear the propriety with Chinese characteristics .

  14. 把利天下看作第一位才能正世,所以,原始儒家认为在政治制度上实行禅让,才是实现圣治的前提和基础,也是实现大同终极理想的可靠保障。

    Therefore , the early Confucianists considered the practice of abdication to be the prerequisite and basis for the wise rule and a reliable guarantee for the realization of Great Harmony as the ultimate ideal .

  15. 人们感谢禹,尊称他为“大禹”。由于禹治水成功,得到舜的“禅让”,舜征得各部落首领的同意,推举禹为自己的继承人。

    As a result of his successful efforts , the people bestowed on him the title " Yu the Great " and with the approval of the tribal chieftains , Shun chose Yu as his successor .

  16. 据简文记载的尧舜禹禅让的情况,讨论了先秦时期儒家关于禅让学说发展的三个阶段。

    Situation which according to the abdication theory of Yao and Shun yu period recorded by the bamboo slips , discussed on the development of the three phases of the pre-Qin period Confucianist about the abdication theory .

  17. 尧舜禹诸集团在中原地区的具体活动范围及文化特征不尽相同,且相互拥有较强的独立性,但却无法降低尧舜禅让故事的可信度。

    The sphere of activities and cultural characteristics of Yao , Shun and Yu groups in Central Plains are different and independent each other , but the abdication story of Yao , Shun and Yu is still credible .

  18. 本文在对源川志愿者的组织结构和运作机制进行分析的基础上,总结了网络动员的策略,即转化策略、禅让策略、二次动员和威慑策略。

    Based on the analysis about the organization structure and operation mechanism of the " Yuan Chuan volunteers " group , this paper presented four strategies of network strategy : conversion strategy , " demise " strategy , second mobilization and deterrence strategies .