
  • 网络hotel uniform
  1. 我想设计一款我自己也渴望拥有的超可爱服装,可以让我像欣赏外出旅行时的考究服装那样去欣赏它,谈到她今年年初推出的酒店制服设计时,斯蒂芬妮说。

    I wanted to design a super-cute dress that I would be excited to have in my own closet , and approached it in the same way I think about my clothing for a tour , Stefani said of her hotel uniform , which debuted early this year .

  2. 现代酒店制服设计析

    Analysing the Design of Modern Hotel Uniform

  3. 如今酒店制服就得达到这样的层次。

    That is the kind of level hotel uniforms have to operate on now .

  4. 论文研究酒店制服的设计,并以此进一步做出酒店制服的产品组合系列开发。

    This paper studied hotel uniforms .

  5. 现在,三亚凯莱度假酒店员工的制服也一直在不断地改进,这也是提升酒店形象的一个重要组成部分。

    Over the past years , Gloria Resort has been improving its staff uniforms , which are instrumental in promoting the hotel 's image .

  6. 一切都很时尚。但无论是科尔斯的设计还是斯蒂芬妮的设计,它们都不是出现在时装表演T型台或摄像机镜头前面的,相反,它们是时髦的WHotels连锁酒店工作人员的制服。

    But neither Kors ' nor Stefani 's designs are on the catwalk or in a shoot ; rather , they are uniforms for staff of the trendy W Hotels chain .

  7. Connaught酒店最新的制服在去年年底设计完成,其中包括由专门布料制作的夹克以及带有手工雕刻图案的喇叭按钮。

    The Connaught 's latest uniform , created late last year , includes jackets made from specially woven fabrics and horn buttons with a hand-engraved logo .

  8. 他酒醉后精神恍惚,言语污秽,举止粗暴,酒店工作人员只好制服他。

    While in a drunken stupor he became abusive and violent and had to be restrained by hotel staff .

  9. 酒店将不会在制服上认输,它们不希望看到竞争对手的员工穿着类似的服装。

    Hotels won 't compromise on uniforms and they don 't want to see their competitors ' staff dressed in anything similar .