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jiǔ qián
  • tip;gratuity;money for liquor
酒钱 [jiǔ qián]
  • [tip] 旧时给服务员或临时服务者的小费

  1. 酒钱,小费因快捷的服务而给予的赏金或小费,尤指在一些近东国家里。

    A gratuity or TIP , paid to expedite service especially in some Near Eastern countries .

  2. 晚餐花了3英磅,还外加酒钱。

    Dinner cost £ 3 , and wine was extra .

  3. 他付每个人的酒钱,因他赢了很多钱。

    He broke the bank and paid for everyone 's drinks .

  4. 他为自己赚够了酒钱。

    I 'd say that 's earned him a drink .

  5. 连酒钱都不用带

    We won 't even have to pay for drinks .

  6. 他当然会付这些酒钱-只要猪能上天!

    Sure he 'll pay for the drinks ? when pigs fly !

  7. 鲍勃很慷慨地提出付酒钱。

    Bob generously offered to tip up for the drinks .

  8. 输者得付一巡酒钱。

    The loser may have to pay for a round .

  9. 服务员错把酒钱多加了一次。

    The waiter made a mistake when he added the wine twice .

  10. 那将决定谁付酒钱。

    That will decide who pays for the drinks .

  11. 卡登付了酒钱便匆匆出门上了路。

    Carton paid for his wine and went out quickly on his way .

  12. 到酒吧里,大喊一句:所有人的酒钱都算我账上!(然后跑!)

    Shout " Drinks are on me !" in a pub or a bar .

  13. 别太久。我付不起酒钱。

    Don 't be too long . I can 't pay for my drinks .

  14. 还有9块钱酒钱。

    And $ 9 for that drink .

  15. 你说,是正面还是反面?那将决定谁付酒钱。

    You call , heads or tails ? That will decide who pays for the drinks .

  16. 低着头,没人多给酒钱;

    Keep your head down like that all the time and nobody 'll give extra tips .

  17. 为了使事情顺利进行,我给了搬运人员一些酒钱。

    I gave the removal men some money for a drink to help grease the wheels .

  18. 我比同伴们聪明,因为我花在灯油上的钱比他们落的酒钱还多。

    I became wiser than my companions because I spent more in oil than they in wine .

  19. 她说可能是英石油给的酒钱太多,大家把身体喝坏了。

    She says she attributes it to the " beer money " being handed out by BP .

  20. 维克托供给他们每人一品脱啤酒,并说将把酒钱记在帐上。

    Victor supplied them with a pint of beer apiece and said he would chalk it up .

  21. 小偷伸出一只手去扒钱。我们各出一半酒钱。

    The thief reached out a hand for the money . Let 's go halves in buying the wine .

  22. 我们在酒钱上没有吃亏。侍女很腼腆。但是愿意给我们拿酒。

    We did not lose money on the wine , and the girl was shy but nice about bringing it .

  23. 而他总是一次要三品脱啤酒。服务员错把酒钱多加了一次。

    Always ordering three pints at a time . The waiter made a mistake when he added the wine twice .

  24. 一个人在酒吧喝了几杯啤酒,侍者对他说他的酒钱是4美元。

    A man in a bar had a couple of beers , and the bartender told him he owed 4 dollars .

  25. 服务员错把酒钱多加了一次。鲍勃很慷慨地提出付酒钱。

    The waiter made a mistake when he added the wine twice . Bob generously offered to tip up for the drinks .

  26. 从那以后为了取得他的好感,她总是先跟他说话,还常常给他点酒钱,他也立即收下。

    Thenceforth , to secure his good will , she always spoke to him first , and often gave him drink-money , which he readily received .